Thanks to Deb for the update. I am now at the ancestral homestead. Feel okay, little tired and sore. Online will be sporadic, as mom is nosy and might notice where I am and start lurking. *shudder*
'First Date'
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
My office's move has been pushed back to October. I do NOT have to spend September 11th (aka, my birthday) across the street from the World Trade Center! I can take time off!
t Trudy does unbecoming dance of joy around her office
The tie is on (modified Windsor knot, if you're wondering) which must mean I'm going to the second interview.
Hit me with your best jobma. I can take it.
Quality stuff that jobma.
Second interview went very well. One more to do next week. It's looking good.
t knocks wood.
GRE tomorrow. It has been 22 years since I had to take a standarized test. I have forgotten lots of math. I just want to do well enough that I do not need to take it again
I probably won't get time to post this tomorrow, so: come about 3:00 pm, I'll be going dark for two weeks or so as Bec and I traipse around Spain. There'll no doubt be tales to tell when I get back, most likely how many times we passed out from heat exhaustion.
Thessaly and I are off to a wedding in Syracuse in a few minutes. Doubt we'll be around until Sunday or Monday.
Quality stuff that jobma.
What DS said. I got the offer for the new job. V. pleased. Much cooller company, and pays better.
duh... moved to press
May I add my voice to the chorus of requests for Jobma? I've put in an application for the job at the school where I'm on placement just now. If there is ANY justice I should get it, 'cause I'm all enthusiastic and smart and kid-liking hard-working and generally a Damned Good Choice. And I live on the street next to the school. And, and, and...and there are other, better qualified applicants who also want the job, damn them. But it must and shall be mine! Maybe. Hopefully.
....jobma? please?