I'm having a laparoscopic hysterectomy tomorrow morning starting at 8:30 AM. I will happily take all thoughts, prayers, and ~ma that I'll be calm, that everything will go smoothly, and that I'll be home before noon on Friday for a nice relaxing recovery.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
For those not on FB, the dreadful news from Omnis I haven't wanted to share:
Howdy all. This is a post to a bit more people than my previous health updates. Some of you, it will be slightly updated news, some of you it will be some serious news. For the new folk, sorry about the bluntness. I should give a brief warning. I have a liberal view on death, and my dark humor has come out even more. And, most importantly, I am keeping a positive mental attitude on the whole process. Life is too damn short to be depressed.
Sometime in 2016 (dunno when, thankfully no pain. Which confused the doctors to no end), my gallbladder decided to acquire the nastiest form of cancer, and then proceed to rupture something fierce, spewing said nasty cancer all over. The liver got the brunt of it, being the next door neighbor and all. Which complicates treatment, in that the liver isn't infected with liver type cancer. (When has my body ever done anything normal or easy, right?).
We tried a round of chemo, and after 2 days of treatment, and over 3 days of recovery from a low dose, my body was completely wrecked with maybe 2% energy/strength. I asked if full regiment of full doses would cure, and the answer was no. I asked about other options, and hospice was discussed. Sounded much better. I decided the "comfort route" meant food and conversation and being home!!! So there we have it. After 6ish weeks in the hospital, within a day at home my energy/happiness/comfort levels all increased dramatically. In the week following, filled with more (mostly) good days. Hey, I got a nasty cancer. There will be some less than good days. Duh! All in all, I know I made the right decision.
My attitude on death is simple. When we are born, the only thing we have to do is die, We generally push that day off as far as possible, but shit happens. As a person open to various religions, I have no clue what will happen with my "soul" for lack of a better word. As a nerd, I look forward to learning the answer!
As of now, I'm doing good! Awake. Coherent.Chatty as all hell, and welcoming visitors. I do not know how long I have. Just going to enjoy every minute I can. So if you are in the area, c'mon by. Please schedule time, as I have hospice and other visitors, and limited chairs! ;) Heck, my condo ain't that big!
As for all the prayers, well wishes, vibes, ~ma since my last update, I wholly appreciate them (and am open to more). I may not be a religious man, But I do think the power of love and positive energy does A LOT. Thank you!
Drew and I are just leaving a wonderful visit with Omnis and his mom. He is in good spirits and much better health than you might expect. He wants you all to know that he doesn't have the bandwidth to check the board, but your wonderful emails and cards have meant the world to him. He's his usual snarky self with a great sense of humor (morbid in the best way) and since he's currently on a plateau health-wise, he's enjoying this time with family and friends in the comfort of his home. If you want to send money towards Grub Hub, that's fine, but he said he'd also love that money to go towards one of his favorite charities. His current top two are Team Rubicon and MDA.
B.C. (his real life name) is a private person with a self-deprecating sense of humor, and he says one of the most surreal experiences in this process is essentially reading his memorial before he's gone. He is touched and overwhelmed by all the good things people have said about him. I told him there's a lot more where that came from. He's having a celebration of life party at his home this coming Sunday, and he wanted to make sure all the local buffistas know they are invited. If you're in the area and want to come, please email me and I will send you the location and other details.
Per his request, I'm going to be grabbing posts in Natter directed towards him and sending them his way in one doc, so if you do post to him, he will see it.
I'm still in complete denial that this is happening to him, but he makes me want to be a stronger person. So we are having a movie day at his place on Monday for a couple of movies he hasn't been able to see (there are some benefits to living in LA with people "in the business" around), and I plan to try to steal as much time with him as I can.
Hello all. As they say in Python's "Holy Grail", "not dead yet", so a quick post.
First of all, many thanks to Pix for helping with updates.
Second of all, "thanks" does not adequately express all the ~ma, notes, emails, gifts, and even snail mail!!! IT really did help, especially on the one night of some of my darkest thoughts.
The love from the board members, and power of Buffista ~ma is amazing! Thank you!
After 7 weeks in the hospital, I'm doing mundane things, like catch up on mail and bills. Fun! Amazing my gas and electric wasn't turned off. And I somehow made a mortgage payment at the end of January, and then a week later, the 2nd day of February. Hey, at least I won't be homeless.
Mom was in hospital for puking, vertigo. My sister had a conference in San Antonio. Came down. Released yesterday afternoon. Got really nauseous late last night, called her GP, a friend, this a.m. Waiting to see if it abates with clears only. If not, back to hospital to demand readmittance. Mom's doc is pissed they let her go.
Patchy sleep on couch so I could watch her all night. So tired. Ma, please.
I'm trying to come up with a slogan/tag line for a business I seem to be starting, and would love some smart opinions and help. I've posted in Business Talk. Thanks!
If anyone could use 90ish generic Zoloft (sertraline hcl 50 mg, to be exact) for the cost of mailing them, feel free to contact me at my profile addy.
eta: Claimed!
It's that time of year again. I need help winning the City Paper Best of poll.
If you know me already, the ballot is here.
Cheers. I sincerely appreciate your indulgence.
For those who don't know me...HELLO!
I deeply appreciate your help too, and here is the text from my facebook post: the ballot is here
I have a personal favor to ask, that proves that the personal IS political.
Background: I grew up in the kind of hell they make sad movies about. My father as a violent, alcoholic pedophile, and I lived alone with him for years. He was the sort of person that is so much more visible these days. He was fond of saying that he wasn't racist, he hated everybody. I lived through constant gas=lighting, every kind of abuse you can imagine, and under unrelenting threat.
Present: I am not even close to the sad statistic I really should be. While I've had plenty to work through physically and emotionally, I have built a life I never want to take a vacation from. I am healthy and warrior-strong.
I am a wise advisor, trusted guide and champion for constructive change. I spend each day helping others to learn the truth about themselves and to love it. If living well is the best revenge, my father lost YUGELY.
This very moment: My mission takes many forms, but the most easily explained is that I have been a life coach, counselor and consultant for two decades. Anyone who works independently, knows that the biggest challenge is being visible to those who need you.
I was voted Best Life Coach in DC in 2015 and I was the runner up last year. You'd be amazed by the number of people who find me through that listing!
So many people are struggling personally and professionally with the state of the world right now. The great gift of my past is that I have survived a monster, and I know what that takes. I want to reach as many people who need that kind of wisdom as I can.
The voting for this year's poll ends in a couple of days. Would you please help me to be more visible?
It costs nothing but 15 seconds of your time. I clocked it! And your email is only used to ensure no voter fraud. (Wouldn't it be nice if certain states were so thoughtful!)
If it would help to know more about my work, you can find me at my brand spanking new website.
Many, many thanks!
Not apocalypse, but I've got a chance to get away from the Big Bad Bank and I'm looking for recs over on facebook. (You may remember our Big Bad Bank and their happy fun 'let's reject you for a loan you didn't apply for' behaviors) - So, tell me about your bank's toasters!
would appreciate some interview/job~ma at 2:15 EST. I know I haven't been around much, but hey, if I get the new job, I won't be coming come at 9PM and too tired to play on the internet :)