Dad update:
Dad is fine, in the sense of not dead or incredibly damaged. He did have a heart attack, *I* beat the aircare to the hospital, I was in pain (and drugged for it, so groggy and cranky), and started contemplating how I had no one in town to calm me down.
Dad has, in the past 11 years, had (as of today) 3 heart attacks -- all minor -- and quadruple bypass surgery, as well as at least 9 or 10 angioplasties. Which is what he had today -- his quadruple bypass used 3 arteries and 1 vein, and veins have a nasty tendency to re-occlude because they're smaller and have a different patency than arteries (basically, stuff sticks easier).
So the vein graft had re-occluded (for the 3rd time in 5 [6?] years), and the docs went in and opened it and put a stent in.
Sadly, this is "routine" for him. He's good -- tired, sore, and hungry, but good. I saw him before the angioplasty, and he was fine -- chatty and good color, and I knew he'd be okay.
But he's 61, and this ain't easy on him.
Anyway, he'll probably be home tomorrow.
So. Sigh of relief. I'm exhausted, and sore, and I still hurt and still have a numb foot. But my Dad's okay.
I love you guys.
I'll be in LA 3/22-3/25 and SF 3/26-3/29. Would be very happy to meet local Buffistas.
I know I have used more than my fair share in the past 2 weeks, but I am asking for more (huge personality problem according to my mother. Like she can talk).
At 3:00 pm PST, I have the 2nd interview with the GREAT company. I really, really, really want this job. Please send all jobma and good thoughts towards Arco Plaza in downtown LA today.
Thanks sososososososososo much, guys.
This update from Aimee:
Second interview went great! The company is going to make an offer through the agency!
In other words...
Lookin' like my baby's got the job!
Everyone may now commence doing the HAPPY DANCE (tm).
And she says thanks for the jobma.
I've emailed my sister in law who's a student at Ball State University to verify if Jane Espenson is going to be speaking there this Friday, per the post in Press. If any OH (or IN or MI) buffistas are interested in going, please e me at the profile addy.
Going mostly dark for the next 5 days, as I am finished (finished I tell you!) with the Deadline o' Dooooooom at work, and get to take a much-needed break. If you need to get a hold of me, use the profile addy.
Okay, got the offer and offer accepted!!!
$7k raise over Hellhole of Suckage PLUS overtime, PLUS year end bonus, PLUS review and possible raise at the end of the year!!!!
I start Monday!!!!!
Weight. Off. Shoulders!!!
I am now an even bigger true believer in the power of Buffista ___ma. I will start a cult now and make more money than L. Ron Hubbard.
I'll be mostly dark until Sunday or Monday, I'm out in Minneapolis attending a theatre conference and doubt that I'll be doing much more than checking e-mail. Check my profile if you'd like to drop a note, or drop me an AIM message, I'll leave that in my profile as well. I'll probably have IM running on my SideKick on and off while I'm out of town.
Just received this confirmation email from Nancy Carlson at Ball State University regarding Jane Espenson speaking there this Friday:
"12 noon, AJ 175, public talk, "Writing Buffy" see you then."
Road Trip!!!