My dad had a heart attack this weekend. It's his second, and while he's doing okay, I'll be dark from Tues-Sun while I go stay with my parents to help out. Which may involve sitting on my dad to keep him from doing anything he's not supposed to do.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Eowyn's sword arrived today, my lovelies. I'm wearing it now and debating when and if I'm going to take it off. Thank you, it made me cry.
Surgery am for my dad please. He's currently in surgery now.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I am a first grade teacher. And if it hasn't been for you all, I totally wouldn't be. I just accepted the position and I can't thank you all enough. Thank you thank you thank you.
I forgot to mention that I went in for a heart stress test a week ago. Because I am so fat, they had to do a nuclear chemical and dye test, plus stick an long probe down my throat. At least they had me gargle Lidocaine or something to paralyze my uvula.
I was conscious the whole time.
In fact, I determined that something was wrong, and slowly pulled the thing out of my own throat during the procedure.
The doctor was surprised.
It turned out that the suction machine wasn't working right and they got a new vacuum canister and started again.
I'm pretty sure only a little of the anesthesia they gave me for sedation worked, as the needle in the port was found to be bent afterwards.
On the other hand, no plaque buildup, and the heart seems strong and healthy, says the doc.
My father passed away a little while ago. It happened quickly and he wasn't in pain.
I'm glad my siblings, mother and I got to see him last weekend in the hospital, as he was coherent and joking around on Saturday.
Matilda Juniper Griswold, born at 1:21 am on August 12th. All are home, happy, and surprisingly well rested.
Pictures [link]
We're driving Emmett to college today. Spare a good thought for Darth!Tigger today and some solace for Matilda as the most important person in her universe moves out of her daily orbit.
Over the years, medical treatments have included having my throat cut and having a needle in my eyes. None of those really scared me all that much. Tomorrow (Friday) I'm having a test rather than a treatment. And that particular test does scare me. I'm pretty sure it would make most males nervous. Cause there is one place no male wants a needle stuck up. At any rate, I could use not-as-bad-you-fear ~ma. And don't-find-anything-too-bad ~ma
So, not as bad as I feared. Now feeling silly for having worried. Also, what I thought it was rather than anything worse.