And this is the year that just keeps on giving...
DH has been diagnosed with melanoma. We have no idea what stage, or if it's spread to his lymph nodes, but he has a 4 pm EDT doctor's appointment on Monday that should hopefully answer some questions.
I know I've asked for a lot from all of you, without giving a whole hell of a lot in return, but he could really use whatever ~ma you can spare. He's only 39 but his grandmother died from melanoma, so this is more worrying than it would be otherwise.
I really don't know how much more I can be expected to handle. Between my job disappearing, my uncle, my mother and father's health issues, and this, I'm running out of coping ability.
Can I get some cat-ma? My eldest cat has gone missing, and we're worried sick about her.
I wasn't going to ask for ~ma for this because I'm trying not to worry.
The truth is, I am a bit worried and could use all the support I can get.
I took Bartleby to the vet this morning for yet another round of guestimations regarding his long-term health challenge. (
inflamed, leaking anal sac, which isn't actually as bad as it sounds...believe it or not
) white font for the easily squicked.
The last vet prescribed surgery and only surgery, with a price tag that makes it impossible.
This latest vet was the first to use the C word. She took three needle biopsies, two of which featured only fat cells. The other results will take a week.
As you know, Bartleby is the center of my universe. Any "it's nothing and here is an easy, painless solution for the inflammation" ~ma would be deeply appreciated.
Also, 'that growth on the eyelid? Yeah, that's gonna fall off on its own' would be good too.
Many thanks.
Cat has returned, dusty and hungry, but none the worse for her little trip outdoors.
Without getting too specific (mostly because I'm a'feared to jinx things), could I request some "please let it work out" ~ma tomorrow? It's crazy important to me and I desperately want this to work out.
Releasing the ~ma-- the outcome wasn't what I'd hoped for, but at least I've heard.
A little job~ma for DH would be appreciated around 3 pm Central time.
Back for a little ~ma and to say that tomorrow mormig and Sunday morning I'll be competing for the first time in ballroom dancing. The event is the Seattle Star Ball and it's being held at the SeaTac Hilton.
Wish me luck!
I am filming a commercial for my office in a few minutes. IN SPanish. I am really nervous so please send commercial ~ma
Need a lot of ~ma tomorrow!! I have a first-round interview for a job I really want, my bf is taking his board exam, and my roommate has an interview for a part-time paid job. Meep!!