Requesting help for the animal shelter where I volunteer.
The Animal Rescue Site and are teaming up for a shelter challenge. Animal shelters that get the most votes in various categories get grants.
Friends of Homeless Animals is currently 2nd in voting among Virginia shelters and 137th overall. However, we seem to be in the running for one of the Dark Horse grants for shelters that have never received a grant before.
You can vote here, one vote per computer per day. We're Friends of Homeless Animals in Merrifield, Virginia. There's an anti-bot system that'll ask you to identify an animal.
Thanks for helping!
I feel mildly cheap and sleazy asking for this particular ~ma in the face of the difficulties so many of my 'fistas are facing and given the really stellar work that Shir is doing with Hollaback Israel, but, you know, I've gotten to a point where I've sort of lost all shame.
Today, as many of you know, is the release day (finally!) for my YA, WHEN THE STARS GO BLUE. I know I don't have to tell y'all what this means to me and I also know I don't have to tell you guys how important sales are to an author, especially that first week sales. Even if you yourself have no interest in the book, if you know someone who might, please pass the word. Or with the holidays coming up, if you have a teen or anyone, really, who might be interested in music or dance or the arts in general or just likes a good story (I'm not saying that just because I think so-- several reviewers seem to think so as well), please be that relative and give the gift of a book.
Words honestly cannot express what you people have meant to me. You've been here through the absolute worst moments I had as a writer, when this book was canceled by its original publisher; you've supported me through all the ensuing crazy, including She Who Will Not Be Named, and I'm so glad you're here to celebrate this day with me.
Love you all.
I got the teaching job! I'm an associate lecturer. Nice. Thank you for the ~ma, you lovely people, which I'm releasing for everyone else needing it.
-ma is released, and it was amazing!! Thank you all so, so much for your positive wishes.
She was totally impressed (she said so), had interviewed 15 people, and offered me the position, which is a FABULOUS one at an amazing school, which is so cool I can't even tell you, at the end of a 2 hours tour/interview.
I start on Monday (at an extremely competitive salary, thank you dear baby Jesus, we are so broke, and I've been unemployed for a year, and underemployed for three.)
I am so happy, y'all, I can't even say.
If I could get a bit of job~ma - waiting on an offer for dream job with dream org in dream town, which would mean me seeing my dream(ish) boy more often. Thanks!
As an incentive to think of my album "Songs the Brothers Warner Taught Me" as a possible gift this holiday season, I've been working on a little home demo of some bonus songs. Details of how this works at my website [link]
So I have an interview at 215(board time) for a full time position . working with teens instead of young kids. A little ma would be nice , more for non stuttering /intelligent noise coming out of my mouth please.
and now the interview is at 1245