I feel the need to say thanks to everyone . This board has helped me just by being here so many times. Today, of all days, I feel the need just to say hi to everyone , because this is where I was when the world felt like it went crazy on 9/11
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Not quite apocalyptic, but desperately need some advice. Lewis' birthday is coming up and he's expressed interest in a Rosetta Stone language program. (He wants to learn Korean, since many of the game companies he's looking at consider fluency in Korean a plus.)
Anyhow, if anyone's used this program (for Korean or any other language) or any other language program can you please ping me with comments? Profile addy is good.
Hey peeps - anyone got experience with setting up online donations for a non-profit? Specifically how to let people "subscribe" - make an automatic donation every month? Non-profit in questions is a 501(c)3 currently using a PayPal button.
Profile addy is good. Many thanks.
eta that Paypal has a subscribe button. Here's hoping that'll work.
Hey all - I have an interview at 8:00am (5:00 am board time)tomorrow morning. Some "don't fuck it up~ma" would be faboo. Thanks!!
Happy ND Update!
Finally, I can say that things are headed in the right direction. The doctors agree that Drew hit a turning point a couple of days ago and seems to be making consistent progress. He is still very sick and has a long recovery ahead of him, but his numbers have improved and he is off the pain medication completely. The hardest thing at this point is the extended hospital stay--he is really ready to come home. The cards, emails, flowers, and gifts people have sent to him have meant SO much. We decorated his room, and the nurses even comment on how obvious it is that he is loved. Thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to reach out to him.
My mom has been unbelievably helpful since she got here this past Thursday. She has helped me keep the house running, the pets (and me) fed, and been able to be at the hospital to meet with doctors while I am at work. She is here until the 27th, and I will forever be grateful for what she is doing for us.
So, YAY! Things are looking up.
Great news Pix. May Drew's recovery road be a very fast track.
In me news...Oh boy, things seem to be going from bad to badder.
Today I've had the worst hacking cough of my life. It sounds like the houses of the plague around here with all the hacking and spitting. I'm having trouble breathing and just can't sleep.
Please, deep, deep sleep ~ma, if you've got any lying around.
Ironically, the original problem seems to be clearing up nicely but the collateral damage may just do me in.
Thanks to everyone who has called. You are all so sweet. At the moment, I'm an old lady with nothing to talk about but my ills and the breathing difficulty makes conversation rough, so please do not be offended by my turned off phone.
I'm stocked with soup and juice and the like.
And I'm infinitely grateful to say that Bartleby is having the time of his life at 'summer camp' at M&J's. M sent me a 'letter from camp' with photos today. The little guy is so much better off with them and I am beyond grateful for their generosity in keeping him. It hurts me to be away from him, but the energy around here is so bad, it would just be terrible for him.
I won't be around the threads much for a bit, but know that I am so very grateful for your good thoughts.
Just an additional ~ma request. Things are trending well on my recovery and it sounds like there is a chance my feeding tube could come out as early as tomorrow night if I continue to ramp up well on my food tolerance. Getting this tube out would make me very happy.
As a follow-up that's prolly not needed: I made it to Vermont and back and the flights were fine and I was calm (enough) to fly. So thanks VERY MUCH for the ~ma.
Now I gotta catch up on the haps.
Could I please have some interview~ma wafted gently in my direction Friday at 5 am board time? Feel free to start wafting the night before, of course.
A brief update:
That hacking cough, many of you probably guessed, ended up being a gift with purchase from the hospital. Pneumonia!
Through a series of events too icky to describe, I ended up at yet another ER yesterday and am now on what seems to be the upswing.
They gave me a breathing treatment and Prednisone, which despite its happy fun time side effects, seems to be really helping. I'm still coughing, but I can breathe. I actually slept last night, for the first time in a week. That was a boon.
Please keep me in your thoughts. Special ~ma requested for 'don't have to buy that ridiculously expensive antibiotic again!' I have only three left and am hoping for a BIG improvement by then.
And again, thank you all so much for your kind words.
PS: SMOOCH! To smonster and amyth, who sent me the most wonderful dog themed cards. Quoth one:
Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative. --Mordecai Siegal
PPS: Still won't be around the threads much, strength is at a premium right now, but know that I am hanging around in spirit.