If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Well, the news is mixed. The good news is that they were able to remove the mass, which was attached to her spleen. They also had to remove a piece of her liver (the surgeon said it was probably benign, but she didn't want to take the chance), which means the surgery was extensive. They're going to keep her through Monday, and then she can come home. The bad news is that there's a decent chance we're going to find out at the end of next week that the tumor was malignant, in which case we've spent a lot of money to buy her a month or two. I don't know how to feel, honestly. I never wanted to be a person who would keep a pet alive for herself, and I never would have put her through this (not to mention spent so much money we don't have) if there wasn't a good chance that she would recover. But the choice came down to surgery or euthanasia, and there was no way to know which way to go. So we took the chance. I just hope the next month doesn't turn out to be a long, painful goodbye.
Sorry to be so bleak. I'm just really worn down and worried. Thanks for listening.
Please send whatever "easy passing"~ma you have to my grandfather in Eugene. It seems he's in the end stages - nothing specific, everything's just shutting down, and my uncle doesn't think he'll last the weekend.
Also, if you could send some decision~ma to me, so I can figure out when I want to go up, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you for the ~ma, guys.
Otto Jerome Moravec passed away peacefully this morning after a short decline. He is survived by his loving wife, Dorothea, his children, Diane, Jerry, and Richard, and his grandchildren, Juliana, Justin, Noah, Laura, and Kristina. He was much loved and will be much missed.
The Drollerie Press gang (that looks wrong somehow) needed a break from shopping, so we're taking one. We're chatting in the chatroom tonight, starting at 10PM EST. Pour a little nog, put on some carols, and come talk about books with us. We'll be giving away an advance copy of the trade paperback The Revenant Road by Michael Boatman, and Deborah Grabien's And Then Put Out the Light. We'll be giving away a copy of some of our favorite ebooks, and some of the authors have stuff to give away as well. Hope you can stop by!
As has been said before, Buffista -ma is powerful stuff. I just got a call from the vet and learned that the histology came back negative for cancer--Zoe is going to be okay! Thanks, everyone. I know she's just a dog, but I really needed a little good news, and this was unlikely and wonderful news to get.
I'd like to ask for some weather-ma for my brother and his wife. They are heading to Florida on Sunday out of Maine (or NH - can't remember which) and we're supposed to get Snowpocalypse 2: Electric Boogaloo on Sunday as well. I know they are heading out early, which might get them ahead of the crappy weather, but if anything some Buffista-ma pushed it back that would be lovely.
This may be the last time my sister-in-law gets to see her brother, given the prognosis, so the less hassles for their travel would be for the better.
Am going to be dark for the next week. I may get to check e-mail, if we go someplace with Wi-Fi, but that's about it.
DH's mom is in the hospital with congestive heart failure. She is improving , but a little ma~~~ to keep her health improving would be appreciated.
Speaking of health~ma for relatives, if you have any to spare, could you send some to my Uncle Ray? He had surgery for a ruptured colon on Thursday and should be out of intensive care in a day or two.
Yep. 2008 isn't done yet. S woke up seizing and vomiting brown liquid. We're about to head to the ER.