If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
So in a fit of complete insanity and fed up with our houseness, we've kind of made an offer (and had it accepted) on a different house. Now begins the long and painful process of selling off the existing house and, if that happens later rather than sooner, balancing two mortgages.
A little peace, love, understanding, close on time, and SELL SOON AFTER LISTING ~ma would be adored.
It's late notice, but it looks like I have some time free on Sunday if any of the Chicagoistas want to get together for brunch/lunch/dinner or other fun stuff. We can plan in the F2F thread or via email (profile addy is good.) I'll be in the Northbrook/Deerfield area, but I'll have a car so getting somewhere else won't be a problem.
I won't have the opportunity to check the board during the day tomorrow, but I'll catch up in the evening. If there's something urgent, email is the way to go.
My cat, Josie, has taken a turn for the worse. Heading to vet now, probably for the last time. ~ma requested for one of my closest friends.
ETA: They admitted her for more treatment. We'll see what happens. Keep the ~ma flowing, please.
I'm doing a bit of political theatre that I think is worth seeing. It's Remy Bumppo's thinkTank, a project in which a variety of theatre companies perform short plays based on a central theme. This year's show is The inSecurity Blanket with a theme of National Security vs. Individual Freedom.
If you're in the Chicago area give it a try. I'd especially recommend seeing it on a night when slam poet Usman Ally is performing.
X-posted in F2F:
For everyone in Chicagoland who would like to get up (relatively) early and join Maria for breakfast on (this) Sunday morning, we're getting together at Podhalanka for potato pancakes and pierogies (and other Polish yummies) at 10:00 a.m. at 1549 W. Division, at the corner of Division and Milwaukee.
I'm going to call in the morning and let them we'll have a minimum of five, with possibly a few more, and then check here before leaving my apartment around 8:00 to see if I need to anymore. If I don't hear from anyone here (or at my profile addy), I look forward to seeing you at 10:00!!
Requesting that powerful ~ma, once again.
There's a very high chance, and in the doctor's words, "it's more than likely" that my sister has thyroid cancer. Looks to be early stages, but still. Some health~ma to my sister. And peace~ma for my mom.
Safe surgery ~ma requested for my kitty Byron today.
Popping by from work access to ask for ma for my niece. She is in the hospital with major heart damage, sedated on a respirator and it is touch-and-go as to whether she will make it through the day. They don't know what caused the heart damage--it may be bulimia or residual damage from her former drug use. She is only 20 and seemed in the last few months to have been turning her life around.
Upadate on niece--she is still on the respirator and in ICU, but appears to be stabilizing. They are going to move her to another hospital with a better cardiac facility. Remember how I said we thought she was doing much better in her sobriety? Not so much--the heart attack was brought on by alcohol poisoning.
Scrappy, so sorry to hear about your niece. I hope she recovers and gets sober.
Hi! Small but urgent request - I had been supposed to meet up w/ Calli down here in NOLA but phone is dead and I don't think it's going to work out anyway. Could someone please call her cell and tell her that, and then maybe post here so everyone doesn't call her?
Many many thanks.