If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
My brother Joe is an exhibitor in Wired magazine's Nextfest, a four day technology festival running today through Sunday. It's in the Los Angeles Convention Centre.
My brother is with the McGill Digital Orchestra. I'm posting this because a) I'm proud of my brother and b) it sounds like a really interesting event.
Wish I could be there!
I've currently investigating the possibility of creating (from scratch - yikes!) a non-profit designed to provide legal assistance to immigrants. I had hoped to let someone else lead the charge, but I've gotten some encouragement that it might be more possible than I thought. Still, I feel a little overwhelmed. I know this area of the law, but not the steps involved in creating a non-profit. I have a few casual meetings in the next two weeks and I'd like to appear at least conversant on the topic.
What I'm looking for is anyone here who might have ever done something similar, even if it wasn't law or immigration related. I just want to pick the brain of someone who has written or is familiar with grant proposals, charters, or the unknown unknowns (miss you so much, Rumsfeld).
I wrote about it a bit more in my LJ (ste_noni) and of course, profile address is good.
Two ~ma requests in one.
Back to normal ~ma requested for my left ankle. An odd wish I know, but dang it, I've tried everything else. RICE, arnica, Aleve, etc. The swelling is never too horrible (I can usually see the anklebone), there is no pain, no bruising, no infection that I can tell...just no earthly reason for the swelling and discomfort. I'm at wit's end because my marathon training is in real jeopardy.
Calm nerves for both of us and he'll be fine ~ma requested as I leave Bartleby with someone for the first time in 5 years. And away from home for the first time ever. I trust the woman who is keeping him, but my heart is clenched. We'll be apart Friday, Saturday and much of Sunday.
I'd ask for luck with my retreat facilitation gig, but honestly, the pooch is waaaay more important to me.
As we finish a summer that has been crappy, crappy, crappy for me, I've gotten some really good news. I was just accepted to ALA's Copyright Scholar Program, which includes a free trip to Washington, DC, for training. I'm tickled pink!
Xposty with F2F, because it looks like I might get a chance for one in the DC area, if that works out for folks in that area.
SFistas, looks like I will be in your fair city for a conference from Oct. 24-28. More info in F2F.
Teacup Guy and I are going to be in Charlotte from October 4th through the 9th, if any localistas are going to be around, we'd love to see you. E-mail me at my profile address, and we'll make a plan.
I'm trying to track down a recording of the Ewok song ("Yub Nub" or "Ewok Celebration") that Lucas cut from the end of Return of the Jedi.
If anyone could give me a hand, the profile addy is good. Thanks!
I just found out that a former co-worker of mine who is the sweetest woman in the world (and who had had a terrible string of misfortune happen to her in the past 12 years or so--lost her job after 20 years, debilitating injury, son murdered) is on her deathbed, due to infection. The only real ~ma I think might help would be for a painless passing.
I'll miss Norma and her "How ya doin', honey babe?" trademark phrase in that gorgeous Jamaican accent of hers.
Good news / bad news.
The bad is my Mom had breast cancer. The good is that it's small and not a serious form and should be easily treatable.
My sister asked her if she's worried and she said, "No, it's in God's hands." So she seems to be taking it OK.
I've already asked for ~ma around my mysterious swollen foot issue but the ante has been upped.
My training coach is threatening to put me off the team "for my own good" if, given her not-at-all-medical training deems the situation too dangerous when I go to meet the team on Saturday.
I get that I have been off my feet for the last three weeks, but I'm certain that I can build back up before the Oct 28 event.
My acupuncturist did a great job yesterday (12 pins!) and is doing the treatment again tomorrow. So, please, extra strength healing ~ma if you have any lying around.
Taking this last line to add my ~ma for an easy cure for tommy's mom.