I've got an interview with a company I really want to work for, today. Would everyone be so kind as to send some interview~ma Madison-way at 9am board time? KThanxbye.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I need some Ma~ma.
Mom has an intestinal hernia and will be having surgery sometime in the next couple of weeks. Cause, she needs more medical stuff. Geesh. Meanwhile she is hopped up on pain pills and life at home has taken on a new level of stress.
I did lend her my copy of Vampire People for her reading pleasure.
Today I was driving to work and the Lumina van I got from my mom and her boyfriend apparently blew a piston rod or something on I35W.
Had to have AAA tow it 45 miles to my home, and my boss had to come and pick me up about 5 miles from work, where it had finally rested.
I have to change my insurance back to the Caprice, which has been idle for 9 months, set aside as a project car. I never worked on it.
Andi worked until 9 pm, then drove the 50 miles to pick me up after she got off work. We just got home a bit ago.
Hoo boy.
if anyone has any Car~Ma after the human based ~ma, please send it our way.
For familial health reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I will be moving to southwestern Virginia within the next month. I hope to drive, but have not yet decided my route (though I very much hope to go by way at least of Ann Arbor, if not Boston).
Hey, don't know if this is on the news at all, but there has been a transformer explosion at Grand Central Terminal.
I'm fine. I don't think any of the other New Yorkers would have reason to be there.
As of about 10AM this morning, I am officially unemployed. Shock is in progress, and panic will commence soon. More because there are too many options than not enough, but still! Eep! Applications are being taken regarding where I should move (including "Stay in DC", a position espoused by many RL friends, now-ex-coworkers, and not-girlfriend).
Hey guys. I'm having an outpatient thing done on Monday about 9:30. Could I get a few "It's nothing" vibes and some "Don't freak out like a little girl" vibes, please? Thanks.
A request for a little bit of ~ma, please. Tomorrow morning, very early (before most of you are in bed tonight, probably), nearly-two-year-old Clara is having an operation to clear her left tear duct, which has bothering her pretty much since birth. The op itself should be pretty straightforward, but it does involve a general anasthetic (ugh), so some strong nerves are needed for us parents also. We leave for the hospital in about an hour.
Due to technical problems, the procedure did not take place and is being rescheduled. I'm releasing the ~ma to work on stuff for other people. I may tap it again when I know more, and thanks.