A request for a little bit of ~ma, please. Tomorrow morning, very early (before most of you are in bed tonight, probably), nearly-two-year-old Clara is having an operation to clear her left tear duct, which has bothering her pretty much since birth. The op itself should be pretty straightforward, but it does involve a general anasthetic (ugh), so some strong nerves are needed for us parents also. We leave for the hospital in about an hour.
Buffy ,'Lessons'
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Due to technical problems, the procedure did not take place and is being rescheduled. I'm releasing the ~ma to work on stuff for other people. I may tap it again when I know more, and thanks.
I probably should have asked pre-interview, but I could use good vibes toward my getting this job. It's really the only teaching job available in or near the town I'll be moving to, and it would make life so much easier if they called in the next day or two and said, "You're hired!"
Hey, while you're passing out the interview~ma, I could use some tomorrow 'roundabouts 9:30 a.m. Eastern time.
Please some interview and job~ma headed Ann Arbor-ways right about now for MM.....
And now that MM had his, please to send me some interview-ma this afternoon starting at 1pm eastern, plzthnx!! Or even just some calming thoughts, because I tend to get so nervous I want to puke and can't say any of the right answers even if I should know them.
A good friend of mine here is having gastric bypass surgery this morning. Requesting a little surgery~ma for her to come through ok.
my co-worker(who also has a night job at a local hotel) was robbed at gunpoint last night. i haven't spoken to her, but i have no doubt she's extremely shaken. she has three small girls all under the age of five. she just celebrated her 29th birthday yesterday.
so any kind of ~ma y'all can spare her way would be appreciated. i can't imagine how scary that must have been.
MM had made it to the 2nd step of the interview process for the interview he had on Tuesday!! Woohoo! Keep that ~~ma flowing for lo! it works like a charm! And thank you so much for all of the ~~ma already sent!!
Any interview-ma sent toward the Bay Area tomorrow (afternoonish) would be very much appreciated. It is pretty much my dream job. Thanks.