Potential Transplant~ma would be appreciated. Mom got a call and she is #3 on the list for a pair of kidney's that just came available. If either/both of the first two either don't match or are not able to get to the center, then she is next.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Well, two other folks are getting a new kidney tonight/tomorrow.
This transplant thing is rough. I'm happy for them, but bummed for mom.
I have one or two extra tickets to the Buffy Singalong in DC ($12 each). They're for Friday night July 20th--which Holli and I just realized is the same night of all the Harry Potter madness, so fair warning. I figure I'll just read HP on Saturday.
Email me (yahoo, mearagirl) if you want to come along!
Spare ~ma to be sent to the heartland, please. Just got a call from a placement service for a potential job. Not much money and, as it's temp for now, probably minimal to no bennies, but...WORK! Some $$!
So, if youse guys please...
I fly into Boston late Wednesday night. Not sure what my plans are yet--events in CT are complicated to say the least and I'm still trying to work them out--but I may be around Thursday. If you might be free for lunch or dinner, hop over to F2F and let me know so I can start to formulate a plan.
Sidenote: vwbug, insent.
I need some please let it not be cancer~ma for my dad.
Can I request some ~ma for a friend and her baby? She gave birth at 22 weeks of pregnancy to a little boy. The baby is doing well, but the mom sounds terrified.
I keep forgetting to ask for some serious ma~~~. Matt's boss's daughter(4) had a serious playground accident and is suffering from mid brain trauma. whitefonted details: something involving a slide and and a jump rope and 15 minutes of no breathing or detectable heartbeat
on top of it, the witness to the accident was her younger sister(2). she is inconsolable
peace and best outcome please
Some dog-ma, please.
My mom and dad's Scottie, Pepper, has had 5 seizures today. She's never had one before. They tok her to the vet at noon, and took blood tests, and sent her home.
She is a sweet, cheerful little dog who loves people, and my mom and dad both dote on her. They are really scared.
She just had another one, and they are calling an ER vet.
Just wanted to pop in quickly with a life update. Things have been crazy busy and chaotic lately and I'm horribly behind on everything related to the internets.
The Monday after Mattias was born the apartment flooded. We spent the intervening 5 weeks alternating between living in the apartment and my grandparents' house as the various aspects of the flooding were dealt with by my landlord. One casuality of the flood was the frame for my waterbed, so admidst everthing else we had to go out and purchase a new bed for the gf and myself. But we moved back into the apartment, now with shiny (metaphorically) new carpet and shiny (literally) new bathroom, last weekend and the new bed was delivered Friday. Because this apparently wasn't exciting enough, the gf, Mattias and finally I all succumbed to the Omega Death Cold of 2007. The GF and Mattias are mostly recovered and I'm trying to shake off the last of it with the help of antibiotics.
In positive news, my new job was very understanding about me having to miss work for the assorted issues of baby, flooding and illness and I've made it past my 90 day probationary period. Which means from now on I will actually get paid when I have to miss work for babies, flooding and illness, which will be nice.
Mattias, cold aside, is doing really well and has gained more than 2 pounds in the 6 weeks since he was born.
And somewhere amidst all the insanity I found time to apply for a mortgage from my bank, and I got a pre-approval.
Now we just have to find the time to actually look for a house to buy.