Can anyone in LA put me up for the Fourth of July weekend? It looks like I need to go to Anime Expo to cover the event, but my budget is in severe pain at the moment.
Email is in my info
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Can anyone in LA put me up for the Fourth of July weekend? It looks like I need to go to Anime Expo to cover the event, but my budget is in severe pain at the moment.
Email is in my info
Greetings from gronkville.
Gram is doing *much* better. It is Lyme Disease, but the massive dose of antibiotics and the TLC from the nursing staff (my aunt works in the hospital, which doesn't hurt) has done wonders. Looks like she'll be home tomorrow if all goes well. Fingers crossed that the evil disease didn't do too much long-term damage.
Okay, time to caffeineate, shower, and face the day. Thanks everyone.
Dallas is having surgery first thing in the morning. Any nonmalignancy~ma and quick recovery~ma would be warmly appreciated.
(And Trudy coming up with another $800 ~ma would be welcome too)
Oh boy. Do I need ~ma for a smoother running event. The reunion I've been working on for the past year starts, for the most part, tomorrow.
Two days ago, the manager of the state park in VA called to say that they were taking back 15 of the best sites from my group, despite the fact that I have a contract that stipulates the group has access to the entire park. To assist them in having space for travelers who might show up in the middle of the night, I gave them 50 sites back two weeks ago.
Now they are telling me that even MORE sites are unavailable because they house 'permanent residents'. The what? No one ever mentioned such a thing. I would remember.
Plus? The money order I sent to a group that does food service for peace and humanitarian events (they are in New Orleans assisting house building crews) was stolen. possible outcome ~ma and a pox on whomever stole the money I can't get back.
Dallas is home from the vet safe and sound. Her lungs don't show any tumors and we'll have the path results back in a wek.
Thanks for all the ~ma!
I dislocated my shoulder again last night. Any healing-ma would be appreciated.
Requesting some major waft-the-good-vibeage for Chez Grabien.
Nic has a 1 pm interview for a gig he really wants. I want him to have it, too.
Also (deep breath), I have a phone thing at 5 pm SF time today that could result in a major book deal - that's major in the Publishers Weekly sense, defined as anywhere between $100K and $500K.
So, any "Dude! Make it so!" vibes not allocated elsewhere would be highly appreciated.
I do the dance of joy, for I just got a weekly column gig as tv/movie/dvd person for a major new genre website, that I can't say because they haven't finished certain things yet.
That being said, I have been told to put together a wish list of stuff I want, in the form of screeners, review passes, et. al.
If you want in on this discussion, go over to Boxed Set to discuss.
Going dark until at least Weds. while I'm on my road trip (and it's raining again. Yay?). If I can't get caught up by the weekend, I may go dark until after the 4th.
For those of you who get G4 - please to watching the new episode of "Filter" taoday. I think EST is 7pm. We're pretty sure it's one of the episodes Joe's on.