I got the job! I start training tomorrow. Releasing the job~ma.
Willow ,'Empty Places'
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
My dad had his umpteenth fall yesterday, and his stuntman-like luck finally ran out—he broke at least one rib after landing on a table corner on his way down. Cat scans at the ER last night showed no internal bleeding or serious injuries beyond the break and surface abrasions, but he's looking at 6-12 weeks of recovery with no treatment possible besides meds for the pain. Any health-ma you can spare would be greatly appreciated.
Hello's. Soliciting some good pr-ma, please. We've got a couple of our buddies in town this week and they'll be shooting our promotional video over the next week. Here's hoping that equipment, lighting, travel, etc. all go well, and that kids (who know us and are willing to talk to the camera) show up in enthusiastic droves, and the various recording projects we've got scheduled actually turn up and go reasonably smoothly. Also that we won't totally panic and freeze up in the camera eye. Meep!
i've been pretty MIA lately (except in the VM thread) because of work insanity. so i feel bad asking, but...
any spare ~ma y'all have lying around would be wonderful if you directed it in my and my family's general direction. not really comfortable getting into details, but the buffista ~ma is legendary and i'm hoping it works its magic in this case.
Hey, y'all, going darker gray as Almanzo and I are about head out to the Long White Cloud, aka. Aotearoa, aka. Kiwi-Land for about brief trip.
I just got this e-mail from Laura:
It ends up that they lied and the back side was worse. Still real nasty. Treo is too annoying to post to board, so please post for me. Wilma report. We went for a half hour walkabout when we were in Wilma's eye. Lots of trees and power lines down. No structural damage close to me. We are getting the backside now. Not the 100+ we were getting earlier. Don't know when we will get power, or how long the Treo will last.
looking for the job ma~~~ 5pm wendnesday . For matt , my DH . It should be an offer, he'd like it to be the right offer.
I just got an update from Laura:
Cell service is iffy. We have enough power for the fridge, tv, and cell chargers from generator. Alas, no water pressure. It is a big mess with lots of broken power poles. They say 3-4 weeks for power. No word on water. We are good, we have MIL with us. The house lost a number of roof tiles and the pool screening. DH is chain saw guy helping clear the street and helping neighbors. When gas is available we may try and get a bigger generator. At least we have a cold front so temp is in 70s. My love to all. I don't know what I miss more, showering or internet. In theory I can go to the board ob this, but Sprint is overwhelmed and I am lucky to get a phone call, or email.
Thanks for passing along news.