Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I need some apartment~ma, if possible.
My landlord sold my house a couple of moths ago, with closing July 1st. She was told that the new owner would keep me on (I've lived here 5 ears and have no plans of moving ever). Turns out, not so true, and I have to be out by Jun 31st. Which is in the middle of a week. When I am not allowed to take time off of work.
My 83 year old Mom has walking pneumonia. I would be extremely grateful for any recovery-ma.
Anyone with job~ma to spare for a semi-lurker? It would be greatly appreciated and released back into the wild when no longer needed.
Job vibes to Megan.
If there's any spare jobma left, I could use some tomorrow morning around 11 a.m. EST. First real face-to-face job interview in over 7 years.
I'm about to quit my job and jump off a cliff into oblivion. This is the first time I've done this. I talk to my supermanipulative boss tomorrow. Wish me lux.
If there's any extra jobma floating about, I have interviews at 3 and 5 p.m. today. Please send your "don't look like a spazz" vibes my way.
(releases slightly mangled job~ma back into the wild)
Didn't work for me. Didn't get either of the Good Jobs. Wah.
The kitty is happy and doing well, though. Yay! Chloe sez thanks for the kitty~ma.
I'll be dark for the next couple of days as I attend Balticon. See you later!
t releases job-ma
Others need it, and it served me well. I've been offered two positions and am vacilating between joy and terror about the fact I'm going to have to pick one and make this whole "changing my life in a big way" thing a reality. Thank you for the vibage!
heading to the land of dial up... will check email, but if I keep up here, that would probbably mean I wasn't haveing enough fun