Our family needs some finance-ma this week. Nobody died, just a situation became...well a Situation. Not gonna tell you who with, but his initials are IRS, for one. Finance-ma and best-case -ma appreciated. Thanks, all.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I'll be dark from this afternoon through Wednesday.
Emmett Update:
His nose is starting to look human sized again and less leonine. Though he's currently sporting more colors on his face than Tammy Faye Baker. Two dark purple circles under his eys and a rainbow of yellow and green across his nose. We went to see his team's practice game and he was itchy to play, so I think he'll stick with baseball. We see the ENT tomorrow and find out if he'll need a corrective procedure to push the cartilage back and open his air passages.
New Emmett Update:
Fuck. He needs surgery this Wednesday to fix his nose. The bone is actually broken and needs to be moved before it sets - which happens very quickly with young kids. It's routine surgery, and he'll only be under for about 10 minutes. But it's scary. Stomach is in knots.
Afterwards he'll have a cast on for a week, then another week before he can run around.
David just called -- the operation lasted only 15 minutes and went perfectly. Emmett was out in 30 seconds and awake 20 minutes later, having had an excellently cool hallucicogenic dream in between, and is now nestled in a bed in the recovery ward at California Pacific Medical Center, watching the Disney Channel and munching on a graham cracker. He has a wee bit of plaster on his nose. They'll be leaving in a little bit, he'll have to lay low and be not-sporty for two weeks, and after that he will just be plain Emmett again.
I'm selling off more of my old technology. E-mail me if you are interested:
iBook G3/600 384 MB of RAM, 20 GB HD, 12" Screen, CD-RW/DVD combo Drive, Airport. $500
Treo 600 GSM model $225
Profile address for email.
Both are now sold.
Cat~ma needed for Harvey.
Just dropped Harvey at the vet's.
He was going to the litter box every 5 minutes or fewer. I hope I did not wait too long. Apparently there are UT problems in cats that the few hours between noticing something is up, and actually getting them seen by the vet is critical time, and a few may be too many. On the up side, he was eating and drinking as usual, and as perky as usual.
I realised that I haven't mentioned that my wife - who posted as PennyJ once or twice in TT days - is expecting our first son on May 6th. Which is incredibly exciting...
A couple of days ago Moonlit signed the contract for her first ever teaching assignment. She will be teaching Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE) and English, to a bunch of unruly 13-year-olds in a small rural secondary college in south-eastern Victoria.
To all the people who wished little Stefan well - he was declared in complete remission today. Chemeo has been stopped completely, and he is feeling great. He will need to be checked monthly for the next two years, so no-reoccurance-ma is very welcome, but this is wonderful news.