Moving~ma requested for this weekend while I move into my new apartment. Also, I will be dark(er) than usual until the 11th because that is when my new phone line is being set up. I will still be able to check my e-mail through my cellphone if anyone needs to contact me.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Knee-ma requested; mine keep going out on me (dislocating, which is really painful and strange-feeling) and I think it's time I made another trip to the doctor about them.
Hi All,
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of me entering the hospital and officially the diagnosis of Diabetes. See here.
I would like to take this occasion to thank every one of you for your support immediately thereafter and the continuing help throughout the past year.
As I start my second year of recovery, I am in much better shape, am taking care of my diabetes fairly well, and feeling a lot more positive about life in general.
(Although I could use some jobma, as my temp employer called a massive set of lunch meetings for Wednesday, a possible sign of a layoff)
As I'm employed, I've lost my state-paid health insurance (argh!) So if anyone knows of a cheap source of (prescription) Avandia (4mg) pills and Accu-Chek Comfort-Curve Test Strips, let me know via profile email. I have enough for another three weeks of the Avandia, and a month of the test strips, for now.
Oh yeah, and thanks once again for all your support.
I am going to join the masses in asking for job~ma. I am hoping to get something closer to my family in Wisconsin in the next few months.
My current situation is getting more unbearable by the day and I'm fed up with it since it is affecting my health and mental state. (IOW, he's making me crazy.)
Any good vibes sent my way would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I'm asking for health and recovery-ma for the mother of my best friend who is in surgery right now having a brain tumor removed.
Health~ma requested for a lovely co-worker who just found out she has breast cancer. She is having surgery today to remove the lump and find out what the diagnosis is.
My big dog Tucker is gone. She had a few good weeks after her last crisis, but on Sunday she stopped eating, and by yesterday evening she was hardly able to stand, so it was time to let her go. She went very quietly, and her vet was sobbing as much as I was.
I'm lousy at accepting hugs, but if you have a moment to spare, please imagine her young and strong and active again.
I'd like to ask for some ~ma for my godson. He was born unexpectedly three weeks early by emergency c-section. It appears that he has a hole in his intestine, so he's going to have to have surgery. He's little, and it's kind of upsetting to see him with all of the tubes and wires.
Requesting quick fixing ~ma for the pipes in my library and not-too-much-damage ~ma for the collections, computers, and all. This has been a tough year for the library, so ~ma that TPTB support us would be good too.
Was not subject of an en masse layoff today. Thanks for the jobma, anyone.