Do we have anyone left in and around Milwaukee? I'm coming down on Thursday night to go to a show, and it'd be great if anyone else could make it. The band is Cowboy Mouth, which is just about the most fun live band I've ever seen. The show is at Potawatomi, and it's free. Anyone who's around and interested let me know.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Going even darker than I have been, since we're heading out to L.A. tomorrow.
A reminder for anyone who wants to come out on Saturday: booksigning (and excellent Mexican dinner with neat people afterward!) at 4 pm at the Los Angeles Mystery Bookstore.
Good travels, deb.
Personal news item A) Remember how I asked for grant-ma for our two major grants? Just got news that we did not receive the second one. Too bad, because I really wanted to get to the next tier of that one. Bah. But thanks for the help here anyway. And also, we'd already gotten the big one, so we'll survive. Just would have been more comfy with both.
Personal news item B) We're considering some major changes, including possibly moving, renting, buying, or building a house. Just getting tired of dealing with the issues where we are. But everything involves relationships and consequences, so we're not too sure about the decisionmaking process. So we could use some make-the-right-call-ma, and some don't-go-crazy-in-the-meanwhile-and-or-process-ma.
You're invited to Ethan and Jess' annual Oscar Extravaganza in our Shiny! New! Apartment! in Carroll Gardens! Come and join in the revelry, with movie-themed food and the traditional Academy Awards Drinking Game! WATCH in awe as Lord of the Rings: Appendix A wins an unprecedented twenty-seven thousand Oscars! LAUGH at the over-the-top everningware! CRY as Pixar loses another Oscar to the Shrek franchise! APPLAUD as the magic of Tivo skims swiftly through both commercials and that boring speech by the head of the Academy.
To recieve the Evite complete with directions, email my profile addy with "Oscar Party" somewhere in the subject line. (And if you don't plan on attending, but just want my address for some reason, email me anyway!)
Just got my acceptance letter from Central Arizona College. Incidentally, the program I am after can be done as distance learning from anywhere in the country. Oddly enough, cost of tuition for CAC non-residents is a smidge lower than tuition for Minnesota residents at the community college near Daniel that has a similar program. So, I can happily start at CAC, knowing a move won't mess things up.
Eeep. Guess I better get going on Financial Aid forms.
Moving~ma requested for this weekend while I move into my new apartment. Also, I will be dark(er) than usual until the 11th because that is when my new phone line is being set up. I will still be able to check my e-mail through my cellphone if anyone needs to contact me.
Knee-ma requested; mine keep going out on me (dislocating, which is really painful and strange-feeling) and I think it's time I made another trip to the doctor about them.
Hi All,
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of me entering the hospital and officially the diagnosis of Diabetes. See here.
I would like to take this occasion to thank every one of you for your support immediately thereafter and the continuing help throughout the past year.
As I start my second year of recovery, I am in much better shape, am taking care of my diabetes fairly well, and feeling a lot more positive about life in general.
(Although I could use some jobma, as my temp employer called a massive set of lunch meetings for Wednesday, a possible sign of a layoff)
As I'm employed, I've lost my state-paid health insurance (argh!) So if anyone knows of a cheap source of (prescription) Avandia (4mg) pills and Accu-Chek Comfort-Curve Test Strips, let me know via profile email. I have enough for another three weeks of the Avandia, and a month of the test strips, for now.
Oh yeah, and thanks once again for all your support.
I am going to join the masses in asking for job~ma. I am hoping to get something closer to my family in Wisconsin in the next few months.
My current situation is getting more unbearable by the day and I'm fed up with it since it is affecting my health and mental state. (IOW, he's making me crazy.)
Any good vibes sent my way would be much appreciated. Thanks.