My friend who went to Thailand over Christmas and who fell out of contact after planning to "go to the beach" has reappeared, complete with wife and children, safe and sound and not understanding why everybody was so worried.
Thanks for the ~ma.
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
My friend who went to Thailand over Christmas and who fell out of contact after planning to "go to the beach" has reappeared, complete with wife and children, safe and sound and not understanding why everybody was so worried.
Thanks for the ~ma.
Audit~ma would be greatly appreciated tomorrow at 6 am board time (9 am EST). The IRS has graciously given me the opportunity to kick off the new year with heartburn, a sour stomach, and heart palpitations.
It's scheduled to last 2 hours, but an update probably won't happen 'til late afternoon. I have a feeling I'll need vodka with lunch, or vodka FOR lunch, depending on the outcome.
A little health-ma for my Mom would be appreciated. She was at my aunt's house and had chest pains severe enough for them to call the ambulance. My twin sister is on the way to the hospital at the moment and will call me when she finds out if everything is ok.
A little calm-ma for me wouldn't hurt, either.
Mom's in ICU for observation and more tests. She's resting comfortably. I'm somewhat calmer but pissed off to learn she's not testing her blood sugar and taking her insulin regularly (she just takes a shot when she "feels" bad). Grrrrrr.
Thanks for the ma.
Here's the first batch of pictures from the makeover. Note Betsy and JZ, among others, looking alert and chipper and stuff!
If anyone would like a paperback copy of Revelation Space, email me at my profile addy and it's yours.
[eta: The book has been claimed]
It looks like I'll be going dark grey for a while. Work access is limited right now, and I just don't have time to do much on the computer at home, with a dial-up connection and work on conference getting fast and furious. I'll pop by when I can. Conference is early March, so I hope to be by more after that. My profile addy is still good, and I check it pretty regularly.
A quick update on my friend: he's off the respirator and breathing on his own, he's been taken off the sedatives, and can now nod or shake his head appropriately when his wife asks him yes/no questions.
A direct quote from one of the people who are part of the front-line support for him and his wife: Whatever songs y'all are singing, candles you're lighting, prayers your repeating, trees you're talking to, or powers-that-be you're arguing with, it's working better and better all the time.
I got my first bone fide paycheck for my new temp job Friday.
Of course that means that my Minnesota State medical insurance will be cut off as of January 31st. This will leave me with the added expense of about $200/month for Avandia and Accu-Chek strips. I will have about a month's supply of both, so I won't need immediate purchasing, thank goodness.
However, should any of you have a cheap (and trusted) online/meatspace source you trust for Avandia 4mg and Accu-Check comfort curve strips, drop me a line at my profile addy when you get a chance in the next few weeks.
I want to narrow down the possibilities way ahead of time.
I am requesting either permanent employment~ma, or continuation of the temp past 6 weeks~ma.
Thanks to everyone who has been vibing the ~ma for me to get work!
Surgery~ma for Reequeen requested on Tuesday, as she goes under the knife.