I'll be going semi-dark starting tomorrow--I'm driving east to visit my mom and big brother in southern NJ, with an overnight visit at my uncle's in Ohio. I will be able to get on my mom's computer occasionally, though. (Oh, Brenda M and ChiKat--insent re: LotR marathon!)
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I'm back from my North East excursion! I had a wonderful time and am so glad that I got to hang out with so many Buffistas, I love all of you!
I'm still going to be somewhat gray though as I've got over 900 emails to go through in my main account and another 250+ in my school account along with a few designs that are kicking in now. I'm available by my profile addy and would love to hear from folks, I'm also usually on AIM, ICQ, and Yahoo Messanger and all of those are in my profile, I don't think I'll be caught up here for at least a week though.
I'm back from being hurricaned, getting belt-tested at my new juijitsu school, and having the AVM on my arm detonate to the point I couldn't type. And then having some sort of death-flu.
Of the good, I got ranked as a senior student and can type again. But like ND, I'll be lurking/catching up for about a week.
Hey, all. I'l be pretty grey this week -- I got mondo sick last week, and will be slaving away at the studies to make up for missed time.
Finish time - 4:38:42.
Still catching up, but I'll be active tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone for their support!
I need some heavy duty health-ma for my grandmother. She has dementia but her physical health has been okay, but last week she started having dizzy spells. Wednesday she was admitted to the hospital and the neurolagist said that she's been having mini strokes for at least 3 weeks. Her GP didn't catch them. The arteries in her neck are blocked as well and she needs to have surgery to unblock them, but they haven't set a date for the surgery.
She gets released from the hospital today to go to rehab to learn to use a walker because her dizzy spells aren't better but after that we aren't sure where she's going to go--either my aunt is going to take G'ma to her house and take care of her or G'ma is going to a nursing home.
After being on standby at the last minute since February,, my nephew Chris has apparently been called up for National Guard duty in Iraq. He will go to Death Valley for training for a month, and then for a year in Iraq.
May I ask for a little bit of good wishes my way tomorrow? It's the first tests to see what the "unidentified suspicious mass" in the right breast is.
I just accepted a new job! Start date is 10/27.
Back from six pictures of right breast, plus ultrasound.
Not cancer.
Something called (I bet I mangle this) fibroglandular thickening; it's complicated by being right where breast meets crucio-mrmpmumble ligament (one of the three on the shoulder), because said ligament is well and truly SNAFU'd.
I go back in six months, for more looks at the fibro-doodad. I am also told to stay way the hell off anything resembling hormones until then, which is fine, because I'm not using any anyway.
But not cancer.
Why yes, I'm relieved. Cancer would really have been excessive and in bad taste, other health matters considered.