I felt the need to record this for posterity.
In Lightbulbs, obviously. Cheers, Mala!
Wolfram: An idea that everybody can agree with? Clearly, you all forgot how this thread is supposed to work. After all, I came here for an argument.
Seriously, Jossverse thread is a great idea. Well done, Mala.
PixKristin: I don't know--first post makes B'craxy and Lightbulbs amenable and happy? That's a pretty high standard you've set for yourself there, Mala! Welcome!
After all, I came here for an argument.
This is Abuse.
Allyson: Um, you all suck and your suggestions offend me and may possibly be sexist and/or racist in nature.
Stop shoving me in a locker.
Gang of sixteen.
Yadda yadda yadda.
And I'm leaving the board forever.
There. Now it's a proper lightbulbs thread.
Liese S: Hee. Whew, I feel better now.
Can't be having with this cooperation and consensus and stuff.
Omnis_audis: Wow. Peace in lightbulbs? What's next? A two state deal that pacifies the middle east, and convinces Iran that solar & wind power is better that nuclear? I wonder if Mala is Pres Obama.
le nubian: Got Hope?
Aims: t adds tick mark next to things accomplished by the Obama Administration
amych: See, I knew that Obama guy was one of us.
omnis_audis: LOL, oh no! What I have I started. Mala, forgive me if you are female, or Non-Democratic Party person, and hate being compared to Obama.
My luck this will scare Mala into lurking forever.
Mala: Ha! I am neither Obama, nor offended by being compared to him.
Thank you all for the gracious welcome.
Trudy Booth: That really is just what Obama would say...
Steph L: We won't really know until we meet "Mala" face to face.
(F2F in the WHITE HOUSE!!!!)
omnis_audis: I got dibs on the Lincoln Room!!!