In Bitches, MM and Frankenbuddha made me laugh. We won't discuss what actually ended up on the monitor.
Me: I get why it is stupid to cut off one's nose to spite one's face, but what about cutting off one's nose to stop it from sneezing anymore?
MiracleMan: Too extreme.
Four words: Wet/Dry Shop Vac.
Frankenbuddha: If only you could get one with a silencer.
in Natter:
juliana: tommy, you may not believe in the RickRoll, but the RickRoll believes in you. It's never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down....
Natter, regarding the new M. Night Shyamalan movie (no spoilers, I swear.)
Tom Scola: I hope so, because the trailer was crushingly bleak and depressing.
Steph L.: Marky Mark has that effect.
The mystery of expanding books, in Bitches:
I'm convinced that books behave like a gas - they will expand to fill the space alloted to them. Literature abhors a vacuum.
Hence the dust.
Politically correct terminology in Natter:
Jesse: People use "girl" as a slur all the time, and you don't see us coming up with new words to call female children, do you?
Jessica: Speaking as a differently genitaled person, I resent that.
And to continue...
I prefer "Gyno American."
The idea of dressing to impress anyone whilst traveling was knocked unconscious the minute we had to start taking off our damned shoes to go through security.
omnis_audis brings the plaint for all the Buffistae who have had to move in recent history in Bitches:
Is moving one of Dante's rings of Hell? It should be.
(edited for humorous effect)
- So I put in the complaint about my a/c still not working. Was told it was going to be fixed today. Was offered a cat (manager traps the young ferals and rehomes them) and was told I've lost a lot of weight.
Weird morning.
- Was this all in the same conversation?
- If only customer service representatives were empowered to give away free cats to disgruntled customers, the world would be a different place....
- Especially if they could choose the velocity at which said cats were delivered.
- New sign - in honor of Kat's tag - "Disgruntled customers will be given a cat. Really disgruntled customers will be given a feral cat."