In Goodbye and Good Riddance:
Talking about foreign customs and attitudes this weekend at the SF con, I was told that while the Japanese are perfectly fine with vibrators shaped like characters and animals, the ones shaped like human body parts are illegal. Thus the plausible deniability.
Matt the Bruins Fan:
Hellooo... Kitty!
In Bitches, Resignation Letters:The Manual
Dear Boss,
I'm out.
Or perhaps you were looking for something a bit more formal.
Yeah. I'm thinking something a little more...professional?
Dear Employer,
I'm leaving.
Ms. [Me]
"I am resigning, effective DATE. I've appreciated the opportunity to work with you, blah blah blah."
Dear Boss,
You are a pompous ass who never gets anything done and you have been the bane of my existence for two years. I regret taking this job and will pray for whoever will suffer under your esteemed "leadership" next.
No love,
Dear boss,
I quit. I would say more, but I know you never actually read anything I send you, so I am not going to bother.
How about:
Dear Boss,
Effective [DATE] I shall be ending my employment with this company. I want to thank you for the opportunities to work on communicating in difficult circumstances and taking on work that was beyond my initial purview. Your management style has certainly been a learning experience for me.
The past two years have, I felt, been a journey for me. I hope that the next people to take that journey fare as well or better than I under your guidance.
Dear Boss,
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one employee to dissolve the employment bonds which have connected her with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle her, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that she should declare the causes which impel her to the separation.
Dear Boss:
No love,
Actually, I like my bosses so I couldn't write one of those to them. The clients however?
Dear Clients,
YOU are the reason they can't have nice things.
(took me a while - so if I missed some, please feel free to add)
The entire picketing funerals/Leviticus discussion in Movies was great, but the denouement slayed me.
Sean K
Hmm... We seem to have transubstantiated Movies into Bitches.
I don't remember eating anything...
Okay, how did that kill the thread? Seriously.
Corwood Industries
No one wanted to tell you that transubstantiation humor is really more of a Boxed Set thing.
I think about doing that.
And then I pass the joint.
The geeks would appreciate DH watching the monitors and telling me when I was having a contraction. "Yes dear, I know."
More Bond title riffing in Movies:
And as somebody pointed out on the Guardian boards, "Quantum of Solace" could only pass muster with the words, "Harry Potter and the..." in front of it.
Matt tBf:
I don't know, sounds more appropriate for
Wesley Crusher and the Quantum of Solace
to me. Which, admittedly, might not draw 'em in at the box office.
Ace Ventura and the Quantum of Solace
Jon B.:
Quantum of Solace II: Electron Boogaloo