...I'm kinda shocked that the above is spelled, capitalized, and punctuated correctly, actually. I think I must've been trying hard and typing slow. :)
Coffee On My Monitor
This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.
Ginger is just cookin' with gas this morning
Ginger: Thanks for the bubblewrap. If only I would remember to wear it when I did dangerous things like getting out of the car to go into a Starbucks. I see the world's best chiropracter later today, so that should help. I do have very CSI-like evidence on my leg showing the height of the curb.
Today I discovered the dog will try to chew the end of a USB cable. He thinks that rain is a horrible trick I'm playing on him. He probably hasn't had much of a chance to learn about rain, considering that most of his life has been during the driest year ever. ::Does the dance of rain ::
I have not yet discovered whether he likes carrots.
And Ginger keeps up her streak in Buffistechnology:
I swear, I'm the worst computer customer ever.
Can you find the internet?
Can you understand how to type in a URL?
Do you know how to cut and paste?
Have you ever spent months complaining long distance to your sister that your new printer won't work when you had never actually connected it with your computer? Even after said sister asked you over and over if the cables were connected?
In Natter, musing on teh gay:
Gudanov: Ironic since I think Khan was gay. Seriously, the outfit, the obsession with Kirk... Only he was like one of the Republican anti-gay gays that couldn't accept it. If he had accepted himself, he wouldn't have been so angry. On the downside that would have eliminated the best Trek movie and the great yelling straight up cliche.
Wolfram: Khan did have a wide stance.
In Natter:
Beverly: They have a cave troll?
Susan W.: Does anyone else say this in their best Boromir voice when Dick Cheney appears on their TV screen? Just me?
In Bitches, context be damned:
Raq: And I'm having to try to teach my son that Christmas != The Grinch and The Grinch != Christmas. (When he says "I want Christmas" he means he wants to want TGWSC.) So we're at the store and I am pointing to non-grinchy things: "Look! Christmas stockings! Christmas bows! Christmas trees!"
Later, when there are a number of people around, he points and yells, "Christmas Ho's!"
Laga: You usually don't have to walk too far in my neighborhood to find Santa kneeling in a creche.
In Bitches:
Laga: I think she [Laga's sister] was (as my brother says) a jewess for a couple of years at most. iirc the last year we had a menorah I was in 7th grade and I know I was in jr. high when she started going to temple. Nevertheless I still know (pardon my phonetics) baruch atta attanoy, alohenou melach a olam!
The best part of the whole thing was that this was the way my sister chose to rebel against my parents. I just love that my parents were so open minded about our lifestyle choices that the only way to piss them off was to pursue an organized religion.
I should point out that after they got over their initial, "wha?" my parents were totally cool with my sister being Jewish. That's probably why she lost interest.
In Natter:
Dana, if you run and join the circus, will you have to go to circus school and do circus homework?
"Hey, man, wanna come out tonight?"
"Can't, man. Look at this homework load: For Professor Bongo I gotta juggle thirteen fish, a torch and a midget by Thursday, I have a fifteen page essay on the uses of custard due tomorrow for Professor Honksalot and Professor Jiggles says my seltzer in the face pratfall doesn't pass muster, so I gotta work on that. I'm swamped, dude."
"Mid-terms are a bitch."
sarameg and Frankenbuddha in Natter:
My hairdryer attempted to self destruct this morning.
Did you choose to accept the assignment?
After the Apocalypse, in Bitches
ita: Whatever would I busy myself doing in a lawless world full of panicking people?
amych: Build a web-based discussion board?