Miracleman making me laugh in Bitches:
Re: Cellphones. Aims and I have phones that will never break, ever, no matter how much we may want them to. They are ugly, squat, industrial looking cellphones that are probably pre-fall-of-the-Republic Russian military surplus designed to survive a direct nuclear strike, but contain no aesthetic value whatsoever lest they distract Russian troops with their shininess and make them long for Western culture.
We require no insurance. Comrade.
In Literary,
mr. flea mocked me roundly for loving Librarything. I pointed out he enjoyed computer programming. He pointed out that someone who enjoyed computer programming created Librarything. I pointed out that someone who enjoyed computer programming AND geeking out about books created Librarything.
Then we were at an impasse.
In Bitches
One should not have to wake up at 6 a.m. after not going to bed till midnight. How do people do this on a regular basis?
With coffee, bitterness and recrimination?
Daniel in Bitches:
Andi and I won the lottery yesterday.
...on a $3 investment.
Winnings take a while to accumulate at this rate.
In Bitches
Aimee is hereby crowned Queen of Beginning Algebra! She hath made the integers and prime factors and mixed numbers and decimals her bitches and will henceforth banish them to the "learned it, don't need it til the exam" corner.
Hil R.:
Yay Aimee!
(Though the math teacher in me wants to say, "But you learned it! Now you can have fun with it! Numbers do all sorts of neat things! Nobody puts prime factors in a corner!")
In Natter, re: ita's black belt test --
Break a leg today, ita! (Er, someone else's!)
In Bitches, re: medicating animals
SuziQ: CJ feeds the animals, but the adults do the drugs.
Laura: Kids will do that to you.
In Bitches, Miracleman and Aimee, on protecting the home against intruders --
My shinai should be somewhere about, or my kali sticks, should you decide you need to whomp intruders. My sword is also under the bed, if you need that.
rolls eyes
If I need to whomp an intruder, I damn well don't want to have to roll my agility for it.
We need a gun.
Teppy In Lit'ry
Harry and Voldemort are appearing in a musical, and the curtains are just theatre curtains.
I mean, look at them. Those are CLEARLY musical theatre poses. (Voldemort is more or less doing the Stop! In The Name of Love pose, and Harry kind of has an Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin' thing going on there. What? Look at the cover again -- there's CLEARLY a bright golden haze on the hallows.)