'Tis a good night for the funny in Bitches.
Hey, would you regard it as a selling point if a wine was described as "corpulent and fleshy"?
If I were a zombie looking for a nice red to pair with BRAAAAIINS.
You've got a Merlot made by Hieronymous Bosch?
In Movies:
I heard Neil LaBute was raised in a fundie mormon culture & this remake of Wicker Man is actually a thinly veiled critique of fundamentalism in general and mormonism in particular. Unfortunatley I haven't seen it.
Eh...I don't see it. Unless he thinks celebrating blatant raging misogyny is somehow a valid critique of fundamentalist Mormonism, in which case all of his movies count.
Corwood Industries:
He's really sticking it to The Man, if by "The Man" you mean "women."
Cass in
(Context? We don't need no stinkin' context!)
Nothing like some death to make cramps seem lesser.
sarameg, in Natter:
OK, so there's this guy at one of the universities here billed as a civility expert. Whenever I hear him talk, or even hear him mentioned, my first response is "Oh can it, you sanctimonious prick."
Jan 12, 2007 7:39:13 pm PST #3236 of 3250
Strega -
I don't know how intentions can put anyone in danger. The only person responsible for Rebecca was Rebecca.
Tim Minear -
Well, I was kinda responsible for Rebecca. Considering I was, like, making the whole thing up.
You hush. We're interpreting the text.
Just tried to kill myself choking on a chip and coffee. Please let me not die of something so incredibly stupid - She died because she snacked.
Matt the Bruins fan:
Don't be adding "Mama" to your screen name, Cass.
Faye, in Bitches, with an image that first made me smile, then go "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"
There are, sadly, an awful lot of these ugly old white men who came to Thailand with their elderly cocks leading the way, like dowsing rods in search of pussy.
I don't like it when people anthropomorphize animals and ascribe human attributes to them. That's seems disrespectful to me.
I don't like people who ascribe human feelings to their pets. And neither do my cats. My dog thinks it's fine.