Apparently my grandfathers have decided that since I have a job, they should fly me off to India in December to find a wife and get married in January.
Hey, why bother shipping you out there? They should just pick out some girl and mail her to you.
Oh, don't be crass.
The postage would be more than the plane ticket.
F and M--the only thing I'm gonna C is his clothes.
You know what I hate about being a grownup? Everything that sucks in my life is my own fault.
The resulting laughter may have had a slightly hysterical, knowing, tinge, maybe.
Shit. It kind of sucks when you look through everything and cannot figure out what in the motherfucking hell you were thinking when you got something wrong.
Heh. That wasn't intended to be, like, funny in any way, but okay.
It was more poignant-snort than haha-snort.
I suppose a title like "Coffee on my Monitor" might imply that the quotes all have to be supremely (spewingly) humorous, but really the topic is for any worthy quote or quoteable volley, humorous, insightful, poignant or whatev', just so long as it impresses the quoter enough to make him or her feel immortalization is deserved.
To quote the thread header:
Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here
I hope Deb becomes rich like a rich thing! I want her to bathe in tasty champagne and have Evian and white truffle pedicures!
(But mostly I want her to become rich, cause we have the same shoe size, and she'll say "Dahhhlink, of course you can wear those cunning Jimmy Choo's! They're so old -- I've had them a month! Here, borrow these simple little 4 carat emerald earrings, I'm wearing the Kashmir sapphires tonight." She will say this as we fly on her dashing little jet to her villa for Tired, Porny Teachers in Tuscany. Where I will promptly seduce the handsome artist living in the cottage down the road, drink all her vintage Amarone, and squash the grape harvest using my La Perla clad breasts.)
::tags along on Erin's foamy, foamy coattails::
I figure I won't be an entirely unuseful golddigger. She can get me drunk, strip me naked, roll me in duck tape, and use me as a ginormous, giggly Swiffer for her legion of scrawny, street-smart Italian kitties.
wow...fur in new places.