In Natter:
I walked into the office this morning to discover some jackhole with a backhoe had severed the network connection between our buildings, and thus we get to spend ALL DAY hooking up the studio across the street with firewire drives full of files.
The only thing that can save this week is if this new snafu keeps me from attending our corporate retreat tomorrow.
How...exciting. You should pretend you're in a blockbuster movie, or something, and you have to get these files moved because the safety of the country depends on it! I recommend answering your cell phone periodically with the phrase "Hello? Oh, yes, Mr. President. It's quite an honor to speak to you."
That really works best if you've spent years warning everybody about *exactly this* happening, but nobody would listen! Including the sheriff, who's been taking kickbacks from the backhoe drivers for years.
Now they have no choice but to bring you in to fix the mess they made. But watch out! They'll turn on you the first chance they get.
You should pretend you're in a blockbuster movie, or something, and you have to get these files moved because the safety of the country depends on it!
Or a Danny Kaye movie:
The Jackhole with the backhoe
Cut the wires for the files...
Now they have no choice but to bring you in to fix the mess they made. But watch out! They'll turn on you the first chance they get.
Awesome. You know, she's a techie who doesn't play by the rules. Her partner was three days from retirement when that backhoe driver ran him over. Now she's out for revenge, and god help the people who get in her way.
I recommend answering your cell phone periodically with the phrase "Hello? Oh, yes, Mr. President. It's quite an honor to speak to you."
"Copy that, Mountaineer."
Awesome. You know, she's a techie who doesn't play by the rules. Her partner was three days from retirement when that backhoe driver ran him over. Now she's out for revenge, and god help the people who get in her way.
"Buzz, whirr..."
In a world of drives... drives made of FIRE! She's going to hook them up... ANY WAY SHE CAN!
Backhoe: The Revenge. Fall 2005. The network *will* be severed.
And more Danny Kaye references, this time in Buffy/Angel, discussing possible reasons we could have been given for Giles leaving in season 6:
Because the vessel with the pestle had the brew that was true. So he got a call from Mildred Natwick and had to sort it all out with the coven of sexy witches.
So, an addict to the magic led to leaden armageddon, and the Watcher pseudo-father seemed quite callous to the masses?
Damn you're good. Then the wicca and the bitca sang a song of love so cunning that the levitation action was better than (be)coming.
Yikes. Meanwhile, Wesley had to wrestle with Angelus as his nemesis 'cause a flower-friendly Power prayed for people to devour.
The worst was when Connor fondled our Cordelia and her mystic memorabilia while the skies were burning red and we clawed our eyes out of our head.
Natterific, no context required.
Tom Scola: Are rocket launchers part of the Pirate Code?
tommyrot: They are for the Dread Pirate Rambo.
"Good night, Perkins. Good post. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill block you in the morning."
Pure speculation by Corwood Industries in the new
thread -- non-spoilerly by definition, I think, but white fonted just in case:
Of course, she actually left him for Locke, which will be revealed in the exciting second season finale, along with the fact that Jack was high on Charlie's heroin when he botched the surgery on Locke's gall-bladder and paralyzed the man, all of which could have been reversed with a certain surgical tool (invented by Sayid) shaped like a plastic airplane, which, unfortunately, had been stolen during the surgery by Kate while Jack and the nursing staff were distracted by a passing derelict (who will be later revealed to be one of the Others who kidnapped Walt). It will turn out that Jack's ex (who is also Locke's ex) is living beneath the bunker with Sayid's girlfriend and a bunch of robots they made out of spare computer parts, and all of them sit around cracking wise while watching episodes from the first season.
Mark my words.
Natter is making me laugh today...
Nilly: The only thing I know about this movie is that it was mentioned in some Israeli movies site, and they kept mentioning his name as the current Israeli currency equivalent to the sum of 50 cents. So the kept calling him "2.34 NIS".
and a little positive feedback at work gives us this from Shrift: Oh my god. This is what Jaye felt like when she got her Employee of the Month award, isn't it?
Legion would slit both our throats in the night if we got a Roomba in addition to the baby. He's that close to the edge.
In Bitches, re: babies and gates
Emeline was very happy with our Stargate. Then she got cranky because I'd locked her out of the Dialer thingy.
I told her "No alien empire homeworlds for you, young lady, not until you've amassed enough of a military force or starfleet to actually stand a chance against otherwise superior alien technology, plus you've got to stop bonking your head when you walk under the table."
She said "Mneh! Bye bye, dada! Mneh!"
So we're still working through that issue.
You know, Joe, if you let her get across the room via event horizon, she wouldn't have to bonk her head on the table. Meanie.
That would require two Stargates and, really, our electricity bills are high enough.
Though it might mean I could grab beer from the fridge while still sitting in the living room ala Homer Simpson. Hmmm....
No. No no no. Emeline will just have to learn to traverse space/time the long way just like other children. At least until she figures out how to tesseract by herself.
In order to 'gate on the same planet, you'd have to re-work the whole dialing system, anyway. Possibly re-design the whole thing.
Much better to work on the tesseracting. Or, you know, the teleporters.
You could teach her to get you a beer from the fridge for you, though. As a meditative exercise, of course.
You people aren't thinking big enough. First, you need to colonize a whole new planet. Then, you put a refrigerator full of beer on that planet. Then, send the baby to the refrigerator-planet to fetch the beer. Then, enslave another planet to produce all your electricity for you before the bill comes due, because the interstellar collections dudes really aren't any fun at all.
Honestly, Joe, I thought you had this evil overlord thing down a little better!
Or, you know, the teleporters
Seriously. Would it kill you to install a couple rings?
But then you're into sending the baby to Alien Homeworlds again. I mean, it's very hard to protect the beer planet from all comers, and people would want to be there. Which also means the beer would likely go away.
Look, we just now managed to teleport a subatomic particle across a workbench. Breaking down and rebuilding physics takes time, okay? Plus, there have been delays because of Emeline's propensity for reaching up from my lap to type gibberish on the keyboard with an experiment in progress, resulting in multiple failures and one spontaneous creation of a coconut creme pie. We're still working on figuring that one out.
The pie was, however, delicious.