Willow: That's a work ethic! Buffy, you're developing a work ethic! Buffy: Do they make an ointment for that?

'Beneath You'

Coffee On My Monitor  

This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.

Nilly - Sep 18, 2002 4:07:14 am PDT #8 of 10000

Allyson in the "Buffy" thread:

I think I threatened ita's life during last season's finale. I think her cell rang during a scene and I actually threatened her life.

This is how seriously I take Buffy. ita could kill me 8 different ways with only her eyelash and a spec of lint, and I think I threatened to beat her to death.


Even dissatisfying Buffy is worth certain death, I suppose.

And billytea, in the same thread, for the image it left in my mind:

Takes one last look around. Saddles giant frog, hops off into sunset.

Jessica - Sep 18, 2002 7:38:19 am PDT #9 of 10000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

ALLYSON: It's wonderful to be loved. And I never cried about breaking the yellow crayon, though. I just pocketed it and melted it back together on the radiator. Willow was a wimp.

DXMachina - Sep 18, 2002 8:17:56 am PDT #10 of 10000
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.


Happy Birthday Erika! I was gonna get you a new board, but then ita said that's what she was getting you, so...

P.M. Marc - Sep 18, 2002 8:35:04 am PDT #11 of 10000
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

Gar and Trudy on my shameful attraction to Kissinger...

Gar/Typo Boy: I kind of get the Kissinger lust. I mean given the Spike lust, and Angelus lust, apparently there is a real attraction to brutal, witty killers.

Trudy: Kissinger's cheek bones are seriously lacking though...

Gar/Typo Boy: Yeah, but maybe his having a much higher kill count than Spike's makes up for it.

DXMachina - Sep 18, 2002 9:10:37 am PDT #12 of 10000
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

Allan Lang:

"I want to show you the world."

Every time I see that I then hear Dawn saying "Giles said pretty much the same thing. Only he used more words that that. And a globe"

Jessica - Sep 18, 2002 9:42:03 am PDT #13 of 10000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

HEC: (to Erika) We're just a bunch of obsessive retentive geeks. Besides it's your birthday. You can spread all the lies and misinformation you like. On your birthday, you're like the CIA.

esse - Sep 18, 2002 9:48:52 am PDT #14 of 10000
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

Theodosia: I'm with Angus, which isn't strange because otherwise we're twins in every aspect of our lives. Well, sort of, by which I hardly at all. But I agree with him anyway.

P.M. Marc - Sep 18, 2002 10:06:49 am PDT #15 of 10000
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

Of course it could be worse, I could be Elizabeth Wurtzel, riding my depression and my tits to publishing stardom.

Erikaj on the pressures of writing.

Angus G - Sep 18, 2002 10:13:50 am PDT #16 of 10000
Roguish Laird

Carrots are good because nobody notices if one is missing.

Trudy, majestically and surreally closing out a vegetables-as-dildos conversation in Buffy 1.

meara - Sep 18, 2002 10:15:31 am PDT #17 of 10000

Steph, in Natter:

Advocating my death is the new black

And Angus, in response to Erika, in Natter:

It's your birthday! No-one here thinks you're insufficiently grounded in the literature of Gay Hollywood, OK?