in Natter:
My day started out on the Busy State Highway, got onto the Hectic Business Loop, merged onto Interstate You Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me, and accidentally took the wrong exit to Hysterical Sobbing Laughter Boulevard, where I am still stuck in traffic. Any moment now, Michael Stipe is going to wander past while singing "Everybody Hurts".
This may only be funny to me, but I'm gonna preserve it forever since reading it made me start laughing all over again.
Emily on our 2am-would-be-intruder, in Bitches:
Also, I'd like to say about last night that it was briefly very scary, and then utterly hilarious. I actually don't think I've laughed that much in a very long time, in the relief-from-panic way. Four attractive police officers tramping through our house at 2:30 in the morning, and I'm standing there holding my cat (because the cops left our door open) thinking, oh dear, I would have neatened up a bit if I'd known. How's my hair? One of them actually thanked me on the way out. For what? I dunno. Protecting them from the cat, maybe?
In Natter, then:
Nilly: I'm not sure what my point was in telling this story, but something in the conversation reminded me of it. I can't remember now what it was. Silly brain. Oh, well. I typed all this paragraph, I might as well post it.
Emily? That must have been Natter, not Bitches, because I never get to even skip in Bitches. Also, when fandoms collide:
Tim Minear: Oh, also, casting this week for naturally late script, got two awesome guest stars so far, Matt Keeslar and Amber Benson.
Allyson: Just don't shoot her. For the love of all that is holy, don't shoot her.
ha! i meant to COMM that last night and then got distracted. thanks, Nilly.
Card-carrying NGA member for 5 months now. Somebody hold me.
Twenty-three years. Hush, man.
I suppose it's less thud if you know I'm 23.
Sneaky P-C. Be gentle, I'm still new here. So... whatcha doin this weekend?
Not having sex.
OMGWTF POLARBEAR, non-spoilery,
not even talking directly about
I like the vision of JJ Abrams fans' eyes changing to red dimpled balls and spinning 4eva.
Like this ita? @@
Allyson in Minearverse:
Vampires believe in you, Betsy.