context free, because it's funnier as a Universal Buffistaism
connie neil:
Getting annoyed about [it] to the point of forcing debates and votes strikes me as the most trivial use of post time I can imagine.
I don't know if this is the right crowd to issue even a vague sort of challenge to.
This just made me really happy.
Betsy HP:
Princess tickytickytickyticky tickybox, Princess tickytickytickyticky tickybox, she's a cutie sweet patootie and her name just rocks, Princess tickytickytickyticky tickybox.
In Natter:
Anybody ever had a phone interview? Any last minute tips?
Say as if to someone in the room, "Bring me a Pepsi." Then play a recording of a Cylon saying, "By your command."
In Natter:
shrift: Big Boss sent out a chastising e-mail this morning informing us that breaks are a privilege, and that we are not to treat them as "social events."
When on break, I shall comply with his wishes by treating my coworkers like hostile inmates.
The incredibly funny Robin, in Natter, offering some phone interview tips to Wolfram:
Robin: Don't have Death Metal playing loudly in the background. And don't eat handfuls of potato chips while speaking. Also, don't periodically stop to scream "Shut up, bitch, I'm on the phone!" to someone in the background.
Allyson cracking me up in Lightbulbs
Allyson: Sometimes, when I post, I think about how much capital is banked, and how much I'm willing to spend telling someone to fuck themselves. And then I start looking up in a thesaurus better terms for "go fuck yourself," tally up the points for things like, "you know, that's the dumbest shit I've seen on the net, and I've read AOL chatrooms" or, "perhaps you're not thinking that through, is this really what you mean to say, or am I misunderstanding your point?"
Then I divide by pi, and post the appropriate response.
Steph L,
Spike's Bitches:
I'ma reiterate what I've said many times in the past: penii are weird as hell. I mean, I like them, don't get me wrong, but they're weird-looking and -- no external body part should move on its own like that, as often as it does.
Also, the plural is hopefully never used in the case of a single owner.
A conversation you can ONLY see in Buffistaland:
In B'cacy
Do we have room for "Rules & Etiquette" instead of "Rules/Etiquette"? In this case, the slash implications are disturbing even to me.
Mmm... hot rules-on-etiquette action. It would be so proper!
You know Rules has Etiquette bound and tied and is having its merry way. This is why we need safe words, people. Etiquette sure ain't happy, but's just too polite to say anything.
erika: JZ, if you tell me anything about Lewis' penis, I'll come up there and smack you. I'm not playing.