In Bitches, Plei with the setup:
The only person in my world I come close to discussing everything and anything with is Paul. For everyone else, even my closest friends and family, there are filters.
And Victor knocks it out of the park:
Yeah, Plei and I are much the same (no surprise.) Paul is also the only one I talk about everything with. It kind of befuddles him, as we don't really know each other well, but he's a good sport about it, and doesn't mind when I call at 3 a.m., sobbing like a little girl.
in Bitches:
DCJ:Chumbawumba has had twelve albums?!?
juliana:Well, they get knocked down, but they get up again....
in Natter: People talk about the trauma of leaving the womb at birth? My feet leaving the warmth of the blanket is probably something of that scale.
in Natter: Original Battlestar Galactica: I actually dropped out of boy scouts because the time clashed with the show (and they spent far too long playing soccer and not enough time doing cool stuff with knots or... other knots).
In Bitches...
Steph L: My vulva is NOT A MUSHROOM.
Topic!Cindy: Yeah. Where's Georgia O'Keefe when we need her?
tommyrot: badger badger badger
In the Firefly thread, after she saw an advanced pre-screening of the Firefly movie:
There were a few (very few) Firefly virgins in the audience and they loved it just as much as the rest of us.
One immediately went home and ordered the DVDs and has started to post on the OB and the Serenity board.
Everyone was exhausted after the movie. Exhaustion and exploding brains seemed to be the norm.
Frankenbuddha -
Hm. Exploding brains might keep the return business down, although it could draw the zombie demographic in droves.
How often does BaBB leaving you laughing out loud?
Polter-Cow: I just sucked all of Bitches 19
connie neil: Oh, the phrases that are immoralized in the Internet forever.
Polter-Cow: Oh, the typos that are immortalized in the Internet forever.
My love for this edit of Windsparrow's in
has nothing to do with the fact I grew up in AZ, and know precisely of the custom of which she speaks.
ETA: Of course that may be somewhat related to my reaction to the Arizona custom of placing Christmas lights around tall palm trees - which is to be considerably creeped out by the numerous giant lighted phallic symbols. People who grew up here think it is perfectly normal and they point and laugh at me. This year's popular variation on the theme includes having a different color of light at the very top. The fact that the giant lighted phallic symbols now have distinct heads is not helping.
I have to share, llamas in Bitches:
Burrell: I once saw two llamas mating. Then the one on the bottom lost her balance and fell, and they both went tumbling.
Steph: Well, now, I think that's happened to everyone at one time or another....
DavidS: Maybe the last time you mated with Llama...
In Goodbye and Good Riddance 2004...
connie neil:
No one comes to Utah. Not that I blame them.
Connie, you forgot to close your Eeyore tag.
connie neil:
No, no, that's all right. Just close it for me. I understand.