Cindy shows why Buffista bon voyages are a little different, in Bitches.
Topic!Cindy - Aug 9, 2004 2:07:07 pm PDT #6463 of 6476 Marked
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. - Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
But that might still happen, I could have a brush with Minear.
Blood Oath
In the event that miss erikaj
is killed by Tim Minear
We, the Buffistas, do solemnly swear to the following:
• To start an online petition to BrINg back Erickaj, cuz she wuz da bomb
• To get Allyson and Kristen to put ads in Variety, and The Hollywood Reporter
• To send to Mr. Minear blue wheelchair wheels, and Homicide DVDs, until he resets you
• To barf up a snake, and not care if you come back wrong
In the event that these extreme measures fail, we will bury you in a padded Wonderbra, so that your step-monster will have have a tizzy. Furthermore, we will hire Belzer to give your eulogy.
The Buffistas
Note to self: Check to see if [link] has billboard truck time left.
teaches the Bitches how to translate English->English:
Amych! OMG!!!!WTF!!! That's, liek, totally cool!!!
(Because that's pretty much how I felt when I read it. Well, you know, in translation - the UK thought process was probably more along the lines of :"Blimey! Well that's just...gosh. Jolly good show, old girl!" But it translates into American as seen above.)
(((VW))) - that sucks donkey cock. (UK version: 'Bother.')
Erika - Wooohooo! Go Erika! Go Erika! Go Erika! (UK version: That's quite remarkably good news.)
In spite of the sleep deprivation, I'm awake enough to know for certain that the BF is now the FF.
Amych! OMG!!!!WTF!!! That's, liek, totally cool!!!
(Because that's pretty much how I felt when I read it. Well, you know, in translation - the UK thought process was probably more along the lines of :"Blimey! Well that's just...gosh. Jolly good show, old girl!" But it translates into American as seen above.)
is this a new development?
Yep. I upgraded the BF.
amych, w00t! You upgraded! Get him a larger hard drive?
Okay, FF? I'm just missing it, and keep coming up "femme fatale" and "Firefly"
Which just doesn't make sense.
I gather it's a fiancé. Fatal Fiancé? Female fiancé? Fat fiancé? Fiancétical friend? First fuck? Final fuck? Fucking fiancé?
When amych first mentioned that her BF had become an FF, I thought, "Her boyfriend is now a female friend? He got a sex-change?"
Okay, okay, have mercy! FF was MM's term for the Empress, back when she was a faithful fiancee, and it was the first thing that came to my fingers on, as I think I mentioned, no sleep whatsoever.
As much as he may be fair, faithful, occasionally fucking, and always a fiancetical friend, BF 2.0 is obviously in need of a different set of initials -- I'll probably just go on calling him BF or S or That Guy With The Sword, but y'all are welcome to come up with other suggestions.
She keeps trying to go swimming in the fish tank this morning. She says the fish are scared. I think, if they knew what she was planning, they certainly would be.
In Firefly re: FF DVD viewage at a yarn spinning retreat ...
Anne W: I find it amusing that Firefly has entered the crafting community.
Theodosia: It's all those stencils in the dining room set. And Jayne's hat. Crafters! In! Space! Where No Crafter Has Gone Before....
Insights into the childhood play of Buffistas in
I made a huge Millenium Falcon out of cardboard and masking tape for my Star Wars action figures.
See, as a child I never would have gone through all that trouble, unless my ultimate goal was to set it on fire.
We subjected ours to duststorms, avalanches, explosions and monsoons in the tractor tire sandbox we had. We liked simulating natural and unnatural disasters. Of course, sometimes this meant limbs were lost. One Han Solo had to have his head reattached with superglue and went on to a stellar career in modelling telescopes- he was just to scale.
kat perez:
I actually ran across
From Justin to Kelly.
Horrifyingly, frighteningly bad. And since I have this compulsion when it comes to teen movies, I watched the whole thing.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn/Is to COMM and be COMM'ed in return.
Noise Design (a brave, brave man) in Natter:
If it would get him out of office I'd blow Dubya on National Television. I'd even swallow.