Nutty should have discovered sports years ago. I'm just sayin'...
Also, there aren't many players who can get by on hitting alone. So you have to be a good hitter and able to catch something thrown at you and able to judge really big distances when throwing to your teammates. And there's this whole group dynamics thing to baseball, where they play every day and they can't win with only one star and they just have to keep chipping away at it. It is sort of like watching an office full of actuaries, except they all wear tight pants, and run to the photocopier.
One skill basketball players need that baseball players often lack is the ability to move and locate oneself in a small personal bubble. Johnny Damon is rather known for his ability to crash into anything and everything in his way, willy nilly. (This includes other players.)
Polter-Cow, making things clear in Bitches:
Everyone should eat Indian food. And by "eat," I mean "make out with," and by "Indian food," I mean "an Indian boy," and by "an Indian boy," I mean "me."
How do I defrost my fridge? It just took a half hour to chisel my stoli out.
Megan E,
a thought inspired by the show
The 4400:
They should make a TV show called The 404. It would be about detectives looking for missing websites.
on fans at conventions:
I love that thing where, a fan has been waiting for like YEARS to just ask this ONE thing. To have that 30 second interaction with a hero, someone they admire so deeply, and you think they may combust. Love that. Even the cringeworthy questions, where I think to myself, "WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE SOCIAL SKILLS? WERE YOU RAISED IN A SMALL, DARK BOX LIKE.... VEAL?"
libkitty, in Minearverse. Context optional.
PC note (as in politically correct, not Polter Cow): No offense is meant to any Irish, poor or working class people, middle class people, rich people, unclassified people, actors, writers, real trash, garbage collectors, demons, or watchers of good or bad television, or others that were inadvertently or advertently omitted from this list. Anyone else can be offended at their own discretion, but this is not required.
My nails are black, my clothes are black. Easy-peasy, except for the part where I'm a walking cliche.
Buffista baby posting board, by Amych:
Wrod! also, WAAAAH!
I can't believe I got beat to that.