on fashion don'ts:
Nutty: If you are wearing tiger-print stacked heels, and you have spider-toes that run over the front edge of your shoes, you may not have french-tipped pedicured toes
ita: You're really patient. I'd have offed this person way before noticing their nailpolish.
contemplating her next career move, so to speak.
I am not cut out for physicist wrangling. Not at all. Last shred of patience just flew out the window. Physicist to follow, soon.
Physicist to follow, soon.
So that's why Allyson wants me to visit!
But it wouldn't work. I'm not really a physicist, only a physics student.
t /natter
Deena, bride of Christ, in Bitches:
Kara story and then I have to get back to work. Money's tight (like this is a surprise) and we've been going through diapers at an astounding rate. I had just changed Kara and noticed that there were fewer diapers than ought to be in the drawer, and no money till Friday, payday, so I asked Greg if he knew of any that had wandered (which happens often, since the babies can reach the drawer they're stored in) since I couldn't find any extras anywhere. He looked around and found another day's worth, and I said, "Oh, thank you, Jesus!" (a common exclamation of my childhood, specifically my mother's whenever someone wasn't dead or the disaster hadn't happened) when I saw them.
Kara ran to her daddy, wrapped her arms around his legs and looked up at him adoringly as she enthused, "Oh, yes, thank you Jesus!"
Greg looked at me helplessly and said, "Uh, you wanna field this one?" Only I couldn't; I was laughing too hard.
BT on the newest/oldest slimming craze:
Dieting secrets of the risen dead!
Hieroglyphic evidence that liposuction predated Christ! "We already had this technique for removing the brain through the nose, and one day we were looking at these unsightly saddlebags on the body of Pharoah's third-favourite concubine and we thought, 'Well, why not?' Next thing we know, our 'I Can't Believe It's Not Brains' slimming technique is the talk of Luxor and the dead are just battering down our doors. I mean that literally, by the way."
Betsy HP:
I consider it bad enough that there are standards for navel beauty. I refuse to worry about hiding my unsightly toes from an aggrieved populace.
who needs context? Wimps, that's who.
Frankenbuddha: Everything you know is wrong!
billytea: I knew that.
Fiona, I did miss your note in Natter. The sins of skipping are many and dark.
Gus shall henceforth be known as Dark Skippy. He is Legion.