Wolfram: Why is it that when you go into a supermarket only having to pee a little, and you're only there to buy 3 freakin' items and you get to checkout and notice there's only two checkouts open which isn't so bad since there's only two people in line in one and three in the other, so you get in the two person line but you couldn't see that at the head of the line was a very nice and personable youth-challenged individual who is having a very pleasant conversation with the cashier about using only half a rain check and meanwhile your need to pee has gotten worse, but fortunately the conveyer has moved enough so you can squeeze your stuff behind the third person's stuff, while the happy shopper at the front of the line is now conversing with the manager and then, naturally, writes a check for the entire purchase, and that's when you notice that the person ahead of you is doing two separate transactions, which the cashier didn't notice until too late, and hahaha, no problem we'll just void the transaction, and your bladder is getting bigger, and you are starting to get just the teensiest bit annoyed, and finally the two transactions are done, and the cashier takes this opportunity to switch in her cash drawer and tell a few jokes to her friend up at the manager's desk, meanwhile a third lane has opened but since you are at the head of your line you can't switch, and it's finally your turn and of course the credit card strip is so worn that the cashier has to type it in manually and you get your groceries and head for the door but there's a cute little girl whose pushing the shopping cart ahead of you and her mother and aunt are helping her park the thing, and now you have all your stuff so it's too late to throw in the towel and find a restroom so you try to think dry thoughts as you finally make your way out the door to your car and load your groceries and get home and take your groceries to the door, to find that your wife has forgotten to unlock the door for you and you put down the groceries and fumble for your keys, cursing and muttering, and of course the cans fall out of the bag and off your stoop and you just don't care anymore and you burst in the house and finally take care of business?
Not that this happened recently or anything.