on the magic of subtraction:
Our supervisor at where I lived for the first year of my national service used to never show up for the weekly meetings. His name was Shinkolevski, and each time he didn't show up, we took a letter from his name when talking about him. So he went to shorter and shorter names, and right before his name disappeared entirely, when we were at "Sh", he was replaced by somebody else (who did show up, so no un-naming for her).
On Garth Ancier heading the WB and naming a new president of entertainment, in the Angel thread:
No, I think that, these days, it translates to Garth's Lackey.
So basically, the position would be toady for the frog?
really is the quintessential Homicide fangirl. From
Cool Braugher story. I still think that if I met him it might be like Fay and the Americanisms "Wow, could you just say that for me?" Which is still less embarrassing than the things that could happen if it was Secor. "My God, I love to watch you suffer. You're so good at it."(pause) You didn't get to keep the jacket, did you?"
I hurt myself laughing at the Buffista brainstorming session for
Lilty Cash,
who is experiencing the weirdness of being asked to hide the fact her boss has a color copier:
Having to lie about the existence of a color copier is both demeaning and bizarre, an unfortunate combination. Perhaps you should just tell people, "My boss just wiggled her nose and color copies appeared."
Don't lie. Just do what the US Navy does when people inquire whether a specific ship carries nuclear weapons:
"I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a color copier in our office."
Why don't you suggest a little tip cup next to it? Or maybe when people say "But I saw the colour copy!" insist that it's not colour.
Lilty Cash:
Or I could go Fat Tony style: "What's an office?"
Fred Pete:
"These are not the color copies you seek."
Lilty Cash:
Or when people ask, I can look sad, say "I does it meself, sir", and pull a box of colored pencils our of my back pocket.
I'm too gronked to laugh, but I love time-travel humor:
Lilty Cash:
OR a time machine that TAKES you to the secret copier! We get rid of the color copier, and anytime we need something copied, we get into the time machine, go back to BEFORE we got rid of it, make our copies, then come back to the here and now!!!!
I really need a new job.
But what if you go back in time and make copies and use up the last of the toner and as a result your father is unable to make the copies of his resume that gets him the job where he meets your mom and as a result you are never born?
(Run-on sentences have their place.)
Lilty Cash:
But you SEE the color copying me of the past would simply CHANGE the toner should it need changing, no doubt thinking it odd that the toner should go so quickly. No, the real issue would be if my file-cabinet time machine's flux capacitor malfunctioned while I was in the office-of-the-past, causing me to SEE my father photocopying the resume to get the job to win my mom to make me born, thus disturbing the time/space continuum and tearing apart the fabric of the universe!
I can run-on too.
Polter-Cow, on his childhood:
You had a girlfriend in grade 6? I thought the vagina was the space between breasts in grade 6.
Okay, I honestly don't remember whether I still thought that at grade 6. But I did at one point. Let me tell you, it made comprehending sex rather difficult.
Have fun, Gus! The Swiss franc is the most overvalued currency in the world!