Hec explains Bergman in Movies:
So there's Death and playing chess with him. And the Animaniacs did a good parody of this, as did Flaming Carrot. Then they dance at the end on a hill as the sun goes down. It's a Dance With Death. Life that is. Except when it's a Game of Chess With Death. Unless it is the Flaming Carrot in which case it is Whiffleball With Death. So there's a fair amount of death in The Seventh Seal. Very few people realize that it was actually a series not unlike the Carry On movies. The Sixth Seal (iirc) involved Death in drag with enormous knockers somewhere in East Ealing. Got it now?
Even with context, this is funny, but it's even better without:
In Bitches --
Good luck with your butt, Aimee. The discomforts are definitely worth it!!
bon bon may be letting all that power go to her head:
I just ranted to my summer associate my 45 minute office supply rant. She doesn't just suspect I'm crazy anymore.
In Firefly, re: scheduled opening day of Serenity:
sumi: Is April 22 Earth Day? Because that's kind of funny.
Mr. Broom: Earth That Was Day, just this once.
In The Great Write Way, taking a break from, y'know, writing. And reading. After a discussion on verbalizing nouns.
You need to broadenilise your horizons.
deborah grabien:
Not as much as you need to horizonalise your broads.
So that's why I'm NGA
ita: While I'm pictorially minded, I saw this pic of Beckham and Posh Spice, and wondered what they'll say to their kids about it (suggestive, but completely clothed). That's kinda weirder than "Daddy and some model," or "Mummy and an actor."
DavidS: "Daddy was giving Mum a backrub."
DXMachina: I was thinking "Bend it like Beckham."
KristinT, on the likely outcome of having to take DayQuil in the middle of her teaching day:
"And so the end of Midsummer Night's Dream, like many Shakespearean comedies, ends in multiple weddings and happily ever after. In this case, the addition of the fairies makes it...Oooo SHINY!"
"Ummm...Ms. T.? Why are you under that desk?"
"I think I saw a fairy! Or a quarter, not sure. But now that I'm down here, I'm having a hard time getting up again. Everyone do a vocab exercise or something."