I'm watching the F2F video. Hil just explained the rules to strip dreidel...
Hil R.
You got that on video?
Now I'm wondering what else is on that video, because I really don't remember the camera being on then.
Strip Dreidel may, conceptually, be my favorite game with a "Strip" variety. There's something deeply wrong (in the good way) with the whole idea.
Dreidel dreidel dreidel
I made you out of clay
Dreidel dreidel dreidel
I'll see some boobs today
In the F2F thread, riffing on turning the pope-mobile into a grope-mobile, Billytea hits it out of the park:
Though bear in mind, you'll be driving around under glass in LA, and can expect major dessication. It didn't do the Pope any favours. Before he got that little car, he looked like Justin Timberlake.
Haiku turns to Limerick)
there once was a girl by the falls
who listened to strange tchotchke's calls
her best friend served drinks
flamingos are pink
the bartender? i think my bunk calls.
Talking about unspoiled possible plot developments for
next year:
victor infante:
Still, among the many old Superboy tropes I wish they would drag out, I very much want them to hit the one where Lana Lang is turned into a super heroine called "the Insect Queen," complete with turning into sort of a human-sized centaur bumblebee.
I'd watch it.
Holli :
Me too! Also, the one where he gets turned into a girl.
victor infante:
How would we tell the difference?
Lex loses interest.
Unknown Buffista was Superboy Scholar Victor.
t pictures Victor in a cape alongside a flying dog
Did Super Boy have a dog?
Superboy's dog was Krypto, the superdog.
t /natter
Which thread was this in. I have some disturbing news for it?
Did Super Boy have a dog?
Krypto, the canine of steel--last surviving dog of Krypton.
No. Seriously.