Allyson, expressing a minority opinion in Natter:
I feel much the same about Harry Potter as I do about the hairy footed troll people and their godforsaken inblisibility ring.
Nutty (coincidentally encapsulating many of my bookgroup experiences):
Okay, I ended up skipping 1/3 of that novel, and would have skipped more except I stopped to mock.
scrappy, on the comparisons between astrological signs:
Leos don't have egos, darling, we're just realistic about how FABULOUS we are.
Steph L.:
I just had the girliest hour I've ever had -- I got my brows waxed, bought black strappy shoes, and got my hair cut.
I think I need a beer. In a can.
Madrigal Costello:
Well, there was probably some discovery by the Jedi council that that specific voice worked well for teaching children, so Yoda adopted it for training young Jedi. And then, centuries later, some surviving Jedi on Earth suggested it for Grover so that he could teach through TV - I don't think his alternate identity as Super Grover was just a coincidence.
Happy Phantom, In Firefly:
It's all so good, I'm falling more in love by the second, and I keep freaking out that there's only 6 more episodes, and that I don't want it to end. I want to see these people's stories unfold, I want to be shocked and surprised by them, and I'd really rather like to see most of them end up happily-ever-after. I just have to keep muttering "At least there's a movie, at least there's a movie" over and over!