Gleebo in Firefly:
FOX's logic when it comes to renewing shows is Gail Berman and a couple of lackeys throwing ding dongs(the snack food) at a board with pretty pictures of each show's cast.
You would think that with the size of the crew of Serenity it would have stood a chance...
Although ding dongs are pretty tasty so they might have only had enough to throw at the pretty fast cars.
Susan W (and her DH)
, in Natter:
DH: Excuse me, but what the hell is going on on Buffistas today?
Me: Well, Sean's scared because the crazy people are in charge and Erin needs what? To get laid again. Yes, to get laid again to take the curse off the universe and no one knows what to get the Zmayhae for their wedding present. We're dealing with a lot of shit.
DH: Okay, well, uh...candlesticks always make a nice gift, and uh, maybe you could find out where she's registered and maybe a place-setting or maybe a silverware pattern.
Madrigal in Natter, about Buffistas wedding:
Though this does you've got to get Christophe Beck to compose some music for the festivities, and get a copy of the wedding dress Buffy wore in S3, and instead of a bouquet toss, drop a hot naked guy from the ceiling and see which bridesmaid gets to him first.
In Natter, ongoing discussion after the announcement of the pending nuptials of Ms. Zahas and Mr. Smay, on prospective collective, singular and plural versions of their name(s)--
JZ: Zmayhas
Betsy: Zmayhae!
DXM: Hee, I read the exclamation point as an L, and thought: Call me Zmayhael.
Deb: (imagining JZ doing herself up with head to toe painted body tats and a corset for her wedding, and calling herself Jacqueg....)
Sean: Ooh. Like some obscure angel.
Zmayhael, sometimes a woman, sometimes a man, sometimes both at once, always with an unearthly foaminess, Guardian of the One True Joss, Protector of 'Scapers far...
Sophia, more on the blending of Smay and Zahas, plural form, for posterity:
This is perfect! Will you let us name your children, too?
Further, a word from Mr. Smay:
You are all absolutely insane. That noted, Zmayhae has a certain classical greek feel that I find appealing, but Zmayhem is the only thing that trips off the tongue with quite the same odd bounce as The Miracleborns.
Zmayhem was mine; Sophia was responding. IJS.
Signed, credit-whore
[And I'm pretty sure I wasn't the first to suggest Zmayhae.]
Sean was the first one to come up with Zmayhae ( Sean K "Natter 12: We've said it like a dozen times" May 12, 2003 8:01:14 pm EDT).
I was sorry nobody seemed to want Zahecubus.