Inimitable Julie in Unamurrican, lest she feel under-COMMed.
I'm afeered of the COMM. I was overCOMMd in my first real delurk and now I find the lack of COMMing o' me strangely unfulfilling. You may have created a monster here people. But at least I'm gnarl enough to admit it.
Twice today. ( Squints, steely-eyed. Blows smoke from the muzzle of imaginary COMM revolver)
Julie again, same thread:
Ta, Caroma!
"FIAWOL means Fandom Is a Way of Life."
"FIJAGH means Fandom is Just a Goddamn Hobby."
Anyone else singing "Fandom's just another word for nothing left to lose"?
Just me then :)
Curse you, wee Beverly... offering and then reneging when my back was turned in another thread.
t /natter
I reneged. I'm a reneger. Sorry.
In Unamerican, because I want it to be a word:
Angus G.:
He's an inisipip posh twit!
Context would perhaps make it less funny...
Emily in Bitches:
Edited, cause the code for white font? Isn't i. That would be italic, and while it uses a little less black, it doesn't really provide camouflage. It's sort of like the TMI is putting its hands over its eyes, saying, "You can't see me!"