And Madrigal, with the point after touchdown:
It was figured that it was a language reflecting culture kind of thing. It's like how the Eskimos have hundreds of words for snow, but if they had that many words for cunnilingus, there'd be a history of northern migration among women.
From Buffy. Spoilery:
Connie: But in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Thessaly: So does this make Xander a "One-eyed, Forlorn, Odin Stand-In People See-er"?
My father will ask why everyone's bread was at the same stage of rising when they left.
Wow. It turns out that Hil's father and mine were like twins separated at birth or something.
Inimitable Julie in Unamurrican, lest she feel under-COMMed.
I'm afeered of the COMM. I was overCOMMd in my first real delurk and now I find the lack of COMMing o' me strangely unfulfilling. You may have created a monster here people. But at least I'm gnarl enough to admit it.
Twice today. ( Squints, steely-eyed. Blows smoke from the muzzle of imaginary COMM revolver)
Julie again, same thread:
Ta, Caroma!
"FIAWOL means Fandom Is a Way of Life."
"FIJAGH means Fandom is Just a Goddamn Hobby."
Anyone else singing "Fandom's just another word for nothing left to lose"?
Just me then :)
Curse you, wee Beverly... offering and then reneging when my back was turned in another thread.
t /natter
I reneged. I'm a reneger. Sorry.