I want Erlenmayer flasks! And other cool chemistry lab stuff! Can I just peruse the catalogue and sigh and reminisce?
DX Machina:
Don't you just love watching mad scientist sequences on TV where they clamp up all sorts of impressive condensers and soxhlet extractors on a rack, and then they ruin the effect by filling the cooling jackets with colored water.
Uh, I'm sure it's...uh...colored glycerin, really cold! yeah!!
They're so cute when they geek out and get all chemist bondy.
...found at your local chain book stor.
Is it animated?
Hah! Pick on *my* typing, will you? I'll just go back and edit my post. Make you look like a crazy person. HAH!
Oh, come on, pick something with a challenge, would you? I am a crazy person.
In Natter.
Jenny G: Incidentally, I've always thought of long pig (human flesh) as the other, other white meat.
Do you think there's a market for vegetarian faux long pig? Soylent soy anyone?
Trudy Booth: Soylent soy is soy beans!
Soy Beaaaaaaaaaaaans!
Wise words from Scrappy's friend, quoted in
As a friend once put it, "I don't want a man who loves the smart, funny, charming parts of me, because EVERYONE loves that part of me. I got that covered. I want a man who loves the cranky, tired, dull part of me. "
I'm catching up on the discussions we had at WX. and this is Nutty talking about small versus large communities:
you can live a really long life in a smallish, isolated part of the world, and die by degrees as your organs fail one by one, or you can live in a busy city, meeting lots of new people, and catching all of their germs, and you die young and possibly with blood coming out of every orifice