The trouble with this was deciding which parts to COMM. In the end, I'm going for all/most of it, with a note that it could probably be cut down. I just think that the epic scale of some conversations should be represented here. (I hope I'm not putting too much in here today- it's going to be three posts in a row, all long. Tell me if I've overstepped the marker, please!)
connie neil: billy, it's such a short step from trying to define skirt to trying to define life. Do we really want to go there?
billytea: So you're saying... we're skirting bigger issues here?
connie neil: I suppose so, through all the hemming and hawing.
Heather Alayne: Ack, puns. I'm leaving.
Because I'm hungry and have stuff to do, not the puns.
erikaj: That whole conversation could get wearing, but address it if you have to.
billytea: I think we should. Could get into the whole fabric of reality.
connie neil: Unless we're making it up out of whole cloth.
Lyra Jane: It's not like we skirt issues around here -- clothing is a common thread among our conversations.
connie neil: Tis the very warp and woof of our existence.
erikaj: Don't, please. I'll mean to follow but lose the thread.
Dana: You guys have me in stiches.
billytea: Aaaaand we're right back at the barking goldfish.
And just a little later:
Steph L.: Ooops. Forgot to pun.
Nah, I'll just sit here and needle you guys for being so silly.
p.m. marcontell: Steph, do I detect some bias?
Lyra Jane: You are Satin himself, Tep.
Dana: Seriously. I'm about to split a seam.
Steph L.: Satin ROOOOOLZ!!!! are still punning, right? I thought I cotton to it...
Anne W,: Too many puns. I don't think there's any way to selvage this discussion.
p.m. marcontell: What's one more pun to the pile?
Hec: I'm off to canvas the neighborhood for records and tacos. Don't get all wooly without me. Women do get wooly, you know.
When they get stressed.
PMM: And David bolts from the room...
ita: Something about this discussion disturbs me. But I can't pin down exactly what it is. It's bobbin and weaving all over the place. Can we stop changing tack so much?
Steph L.: Damn. He punned AND slipped Bull Durham in.
He is like unto a god.
connie neil: And I think he's laughing up his sleeve at us.
PMM: Twill the thread survive?
billytea: I'm linen towards no.
connie: The thread shall survive. It shall loom over all it surveys!
Trudy Booth: This seams to be getting out of control.
Dana: I'm riveted to my seat, dyeing to see what will happen next.
oh god make it stop...please make it stop...I'll be good for the rest of my life, I swear! Just make it stop...
PMM: The flax of the matter is, we're getting a little silly.
billytea: Oops. Some people might be finding this a bit ruff.
connie: We wouldn't want to ruffle anyone.
juliana: Do you think it's going against the grosgrain?
Trudy Booth: Uh oh, PMoon is on the run (or on the ladder for you brits)
PMM: Lace see if we can reclaim a filament of rationality in the thread.
erikaj: Maybe they've lost the voile to live. Life takes a tulle sometimes.(OK, that was bad. Even I have to quit now!) Did I get the Bull Durham quote in my last post right?
PMM: The net effect of all of this is scary.
connie: I'm running out of ideas. I'm trying to work with orlon and nylon and it could get ugly.
juliana: Okay, I have to dart. G'night, everyone!
PMM: Connie, you're a rayon light.
connie: I thought of that, then discarded it as rather threadbare.
Dana: Really, I think everyone should leap into the fray.
PMM: This is funny material.
connie: As it all unravels ...
PMM: Ah, you're just hemming and hawing now.
Jess PMoon:
curled up in a fetal position in the corner, sobbing and shaking...
ita: Great. Jessica felt so bad, she's in tears.
Jess PMoon:
billytea: Good lord. Can I just express my sheer amazement at the speed with which everyone piles on for the fabric puns. It's faster than porn, I swear.
PMM: We're skirting the issue, aren't we?
connie: Should we go sweep up the bits of Jess? I bet we could make her into a pretty quilt.
Steph L.: Wool you all just stop!
ita: Hey, Jess, don't get your knickers in a twist. Sure, the conversation is a load of pants, but if there's a need to get shirty, I'll eat my hat.
t where I came in. Exits stage left, scarfing down afternoon snack
PMM: She's just remnants now, isn't she?
Calli: Poor Jess. It's hard on a sensative sole, getting socked with sew many puns at once.
erikaj: They are sort of contagious.And hey, gives me a chance to use some of the vocabulary from when my stepmonster tried to make me Girly.
connie: Ah, but she's scrappy, she'll pull through.
Jess PMoon:
explodes AGAIN
Honestly, you people.
PMM: She needs someone to go to batt for her.
Steph L.: These are bad and getting worse. It's not like they're purls of wisdom.
connie: But knitted together ...
Dana: Oh, just cuff her on the head. She'll come around.
connie: No, no, no, she's a delicate-cycle person.
PMM: It's out fault she's feeling crochety.
Jess PMoon: I don't even have a head anymore. How am I gonna wear my tiara now?
ita: Maybe if she felt she had a vested interest in the conversation?
It's a pity we can't be brief.
connie: Pins! We'll pin her head back on! A little ribbon around the neck, no one will ever know.
PMM: She needs someone to comforter her.
connie: All done? Is that a wrap? Can Jess come out again?
Dana: She'll be sari...
(Okay, even I winced at that one. I'll stop.)
Jess PMoon: Nope, never coming out again. I've been hurt too many times by your cruelty
meara: Oh my god, there is no end to to the punning!
PMM: We haven't been crewel!
Steph L.: And yet Jess hasn't bo