Tralf: Okay, I am sitting here reading this book on Respiratory Physiology for my Quantitative Physiology class, and it has a picture of this guy breathing in and out of this machine to measure volume or some such. They have two pictures, actually, and the second one is labeled with a concentration of C sub 2.
I looked at it quickly and sumised that he was breathing in gaseous Carbon, and that this whole book was incredibly cruel. Silly me. Of course, I just read the text above the picture, and apparently he is breathing in Helium. This is a frightening book.
Nutty: Well, he'll soon be brain dead, but he'll get to sing "Follow the Yellow-Brick Road" before he dies.
You make a good point, but I'm afraid that for me there'll always be only one Big Blue Justice.
Which, BTW, I'm finding to be a remarkably versatile answer today. For example:
Q: Two girls were collecting dolls for charity. Pat collected 4 dolls at one house, twice as many at another, and then one-third of that total. Ellen collected twice as many dolls as her friend. How many did they collect?
A: Big Blue Justice.
I didn't get that in the Buffy thread, either. Explanation for the obtuse, please? (Unless it would take the fun out - in that case, just ignore me, please.)
I didn't get that in the Buffy thread, either. Explanation for the obtuse, please? (Unless it would take the fun out - in that case, just ignore me, please.)
Big Blue Justice = The Tick. (The rest of it is best explained by whimsy, with possibly a touch of ennui thrown in.)
Expect Kurt Russell to show up at your workplace, wearing leather pants, in a fulll-on rescue mission, any minute now. Don't sass him; he's a badass.
Oh, please. If we
walked around in leather pants
, the world would make itself hoarse repeating "I thought you'd be taller."
And then there'd be the obligatory "short shrift" jokes, and then me blaming my lack of stature on the educational system because they made me go against my natural sleep patterns in order to be at school at 7:30 in the morning, and sleep-dep is supposed to decrease the amount of growth hormone you produce.
Mostly, however, I'm simply talking out of my ass because I'm bored and afraid to surf the 'net due to some 1984-ish concerns.
And in case anyone asks, no, my ass isn't doing a Jim Carey impression.
Cam you COMM something that's in COMM? Cos this is crying out to be a tagline:
The rest of it is best explained by whimsy, with possibly a touch of ennui thrown in.
Wow, girl goes away for a week, many new names being commed