Wrod to your wrod, Fay, and wrod also to erikaj.
And now I'm thinking about wrods, and all the porny things you could do with them...
Wrods! Wrods in new places!
Rebeca Lizard:
I'm an apocalypses girl.
Matt the Bruins Fan in Firefly not a spoiler unless you didn't know the cast is comprised of humans. I whited out the only bit that might cause the spoiler allergic to sneeze, but even that's not going to spoil you, because there's no who whatting how with huh info.
Firefly does give me hope for the future, in that it's clear that neither varied body types nor *alternative sexualities* get eradicated from humanity over the course of the next five centuries. Yes, Star Trek, I'm looking at you.
John H :
That article from the Sydney Morning Herald was interesting, though it contained the rather unfortunate line:
Maybe women are just interested in homosexuality?
To which I can only reply "Yeah, you're right. And those lesbian women seem to have a particular interest in it..."
shrift :
Because women can't just be interested in sexuality itself.
That would be wrong.
Trudy Booth:
Yeah, if we want to see sweaty writhing boy bodies it's because our fathers's didn't love us or don't value ourselves. Like when we have sex in High School.
p.m. marcontell :
See, and all this time I blamed my aching loins. Well, fuck.
Glad you set me straight.
I was quoting something another Buffista once said, I just don't remember who, when, or where.
edit: Okay, it turns out I was doing a riff on something Theresa W. once posted -
All this reminds me of a game show sketch my school comedy troupe did called "That's Blasphemy!" The game involved contestants out-blaspheming each other. Sample text:
Host: And the category is...Christianity!
Contestant A: *ding!* Jesus H. Christ!
Contestant B: *ding!* Jesus fucking Christ!
Contestant C: *ding!* Jesus fucking Buddha!
Host: And C gets the point! On to round two...