Holli -
listening to 250 white suburban Jewish kids sing along to "Baby Got Back" at the tops of their lungs
Allyson -
am I drunk already, or does that say, "listening to 250 white suburban Jewish kids sing along to "Baby Got Back" at the tops of their lungs"?
Happy Thanksgiving, Americans. I dunno about Pilgrims and shit, but I certainly give thanks for all of you.
(on Consuela's crazy hours)
Free the environmental three! Free the environmental three!
Angus again in Natter:
Go Connie! That counting your blessings crap is for losers!
Trudy, on David Bowie's love life:
I saw Iman IRL once. She is so beautiful that she's like art.
Truly worthy.
connie neil, in Bitches:
Elves are too froofy, they look like they'd bitch about dirt on their tunics. Yeah, sure, they'll slog through teh mud and muck and gore for the job, but you know they're hating it. "Oh, all right, Glorfindel, I'll take on the Hordes of Orthanc, but you're paying for the damned dry cleaning."
edit: Aragorn, now ... gets pleasantly scruffy and cleans up nice too.