I'm having a hard time being left with Annie front and centre. She's so...I dislike her fakey fakey attitude, and I'm only on episode 2. Does the focus shift away from her more? The werewolf and the new vampire are less annoying, but not yet interesting. The other female ghost is pleasant (eta: well, so much for her...reminder not to post until at least the end of the ep in question...).
But...Annie. Why did she have to be the one left behind?
honestly, ita, i love Hal and Tom like whoa. they make me laugh in every ep. they have a great bromance. i'm not really a fan of Annie either. she's definitely not why i'm watching.
I'll give it one more ep, I figure. There's just too much of her. I didn't mind her so much in the previous seasons, but until she's acting like a peer with Hal and Tom, I...it just grates. She's camp counsellor like whoa right now, and it grates.
the third ep is chock full of Tom/Hal goodness!
But...Annie. Why did she have to be the one left behind?
Agreed. She's just annoying. I'd have been happy with either of the others. Am two episodes behind but I'm not sure I really care.
With regards to same-sex marriage, the UK only has civil partnerships - no actual marriage yet. The key thing at the moment is that the government intends to pass a law allowing same-sex civil marriage. The churches (of various denominations) are being absolutely appalling about it. Waking up every other morning to some random archbishop telling me I'm singlehandedly responsible for the imminent collapse of British society is just so much fun. Still, if all goes well we should be able to get a marriage upgrade soon. SeskaAndTheGirl 2.0
Some gay rights people thought the 'civil partnership' compromise was a silly fudge from the start, especially since nobody ever calls it anything but 'marriage' in casual conversation.
Quite. That and the fact that civil partnerships confer exactly the same rights as marriage (which is where the churches are sounding completely bonkers right now). We don't think of ours as anything less than a marriage.
BH ramped up the plot with the newest ep. gotta say, i believe Hal as a menacing badass vampire more than i ever did Mitchell.
What, no commentary on the finale?
I will admit that I spent much of the episode saying, "Hi, Mark!" every time he came onscreen.
Then, you know, "Bye, Mark!"
Semi-relatedly, this (without the makeup) is now my headcanon for Mycroft in his less benevolent moods.
I like the new ghost girl. She is reasonably interesting, distinctly not Annie, and looks to be relating interestingly to the boys.
I've just seen one. There are 5 episodes total to this season. True?
just finished watching, Debet! i'm definitely loving the Tom/Hal/Alex dynamic.
i'm good with Annie finally moving on too.